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DLNA Streaming abruptly stops after few minutes

Go to solution Solved by Luke,

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Hi there!

I'm running Emby 4.5.1 on Docker. Since DLNA plugin update to Version 1.0.39, every time I either "send" video to the TV, or open the DLNA client and start playing content, the streaming will stop after few minutes (sometimes exactly 1'20'', sometimes more), and the TV will go back to home screen as if it had lost connection with Emby.
I can sometimes resume the streaming from the mobile app or from web, send it again to the TV and resume where I left it, but only when the interval before stopping is large enough (i.e. it doesn't work to resume if it stops every 1'20''), and it's a bit annoying anyway.

I've tried setting blast messages and unsetting it at the DLNA admin section, with no apparent difference at all, and I have not modified the Panasonic profile associated to it.
I believe you may find details about the dlna client in attached log, but happy to provide any additional info.

Do you know what could be going on?
Many thanks!


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Hi there, curious, are you able browse Emby Server content from the TV using Dlna, and if so, are you able to play from that? How does that compare?

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Hi @Luke,

Many thanks for getting back!
Yes, the TV can "see" Emby from the client perspective, and I'm able to browse everything and play it, but the result is exactly the same - it will just stop streaming after few minutes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again,

Been testing and it works flawlessly again.

Many thanks for this outstanding support. You guys truly rock!


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