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Invalid audio stream error transcoding music files


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Playing music files if transcoding is required I'm getting the following error:

[flac @ 0x7f19d0] Invalid audio stream. Exactly one FLAC audio stream is required.
Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?): Invalid argument
Here's an example ffmpeg command: 
/bin/ffmpeg -y -f ogg -i "/data/PI/Music/The Aquabats!/The Aquabats! 2011 Hi-Five Soup!/01 The Shark Fighter!.opus" -map 0:0 -vn -sn -c:a:0 copy -ar:a:0 48000 -ac:a:0 2 "/config/transcoding-temp/X86029F.flac"


I just end up with a zero size file in the transcoding temp directory.
If I remove flac as a direct stream codec from the profile to force transcoding it will transcode flac to flac with no problems and it creates a temp file ok. It just won't convert to a different codec. FLAC -> MP3 and OPUS - >MP3 also gave a similar error.
I've tried running the ffmpeg command on my PC directly and get the same error. If I remove"-c:a:0 copy" from the string transcoding works ok.
I'm not an expert with Ffmpeg, so does anyone know how I can fix this error in Emby?
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@wickedlemon it's trying to convert to flac because that's what you put in your transcodingprofiles. try replacing it with this:

<TranscodingProfile container="mp3" type="Audio" audioCodec="mp3" estimateContentLength="false" enableMpegtsM2TsMode="false" transcodeSeekInfo="Auto" copyTimestamps="false" context="Streaming" minSegments="0" segmentLength="0" breakOnNonKeyFrames="false" />

That will set it back to the default of mp3 and then it should work.

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@wickedlemon with Emby Server 4.6 I would suggest removing your custom profile and letting the server detect the supported formats of the device. It should just work now. Thanks.

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