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MediaBrowser3 At Work


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It just hit me today the only best way to promote and convince people to use or support mediaBrowser3 is by using MB3 at work

See The idea is simple if i install MB3 at work and put some educational videos in it and make a demo or screenshots then guys at work will use MB3


Video presentation on ToGo with MB3


Now with andriod app and IOS and Dashbord guys at work can use it to look at recoded videos or training whenever they want and where ever they want as long they are at work and using the internal network

Once they see how good MB3 is, then they will either switch or they will come to CT Forums

Mybe little words of mouth mybe NOT mybe someone will donate mybe not but it is worth a try

I hope it is OK with MB3 Dev Team to allow me use MB3 at work for Free as it is Open Source and i am trying to promote MB3

Please let me know if this will cause an issue with anyone or in anyway but if it does not then mybe some other guys can introduce MB3 in there work environment as i am planing to do



Thank you very much



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just little update on this , the VP of IT liked it but he did not officially approved it to be used in the Enterprise yet

However if he does we are talking 40 + IT Users will be using MB3 on almost every device you can think of

not sure what the future will look like but few guys at work said MB3 can be use cross departments for training

we are talking about a company that has over 2000 + employees here with over 30 departments

is this a good thing or bad thing i dont know to be honest

just an update


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Hello Luke


So far MB3 is actually running from my work pc with 4 small videos and few pics and one book


There is buzz in IT about it so many ideas flying around but the VP of IT did not officaly approve it or denied it , his thoghts is how can MB3 automated as the guy is all about easy access and automations


so i will keep you guys updated



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Does anyone know if MB3 will run fine on Windows server enterprise ? i am back to media browser now and will be able to setup MB3 at work on a QA VM as test first


Please advise



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only thing I would worry about using it at work is that there might be some copyright issues, or things like that due to some of the software/code in MBS.  But the DEV would know best about that.  

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Hello there is no copyright issue here Free open source MB3 used by user at home or work or wherever they user want too + it is part of advertising MB3 for free so users get use to it at work and mybe try it at home

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For the server itself there shouldn't be any copyright problems or anything like that. Now if your using plugins, then obviously you would need to purchase them at the work location since it isn't your personal computer and you really shouldn't be re-using the same MB keys.

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For the server itself there shouldn't be any copyright problems or anything like that. Now if your using plugins, then obviously you would need to purchase them at the work location since it isn't your personal computer and you really shouldn't be re-using the same MB keys.

Hello GCW07 do you really think i am going to use my MB key at work ? just wondering sorry no offense but i been around media browser for so many years and i would hope people know me by know Thanks

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For people who don't understand what is going on here let me explain the idea is to use MB3 at work as part of advertising media browser to lagre number of users so they can use mb3 at home and buy plugin and so on.

as far using MB3 at work we dont have to or need too so many alternative free software out there that can be integrated with AD and Share point. The point is i dont need MB3 Key nor i need plugin the normal web dashboard will do the job

All what MB3 will have is few in house training videos for people who work in my organizations. I already spoke to Luke about this in the past and he is fine by this so if you guys have problem then i will not use MB3 at work but please do not accuse me for stealing or saying things like i am criminal or something like that.


No offense to anyone i am just been clear and up front as i dont have anything to hide i do promote MB3 alot when ever i get chance and use different methods to help up



Thank you

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Does anyone know if MB3 will run fine on Windows server enterprise ? i am back to media browser now and will be able to setup MB3 at work on a QA VM as test first


Please advise




I run MB3 server in a Window 2012 R2 VM without any issues.

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