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Custom box sets


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I like the idea of AutoBox, but am a bit worried about how it decides what belongs in a collection. Under Movie Series I currently have Alien / Predator Series, A Nightmare On Elm Street / Friday The 13th Series,  Demonic Toys / Dollman / Puppet Mater Series, and Robin Willians series. I'd like to know if I can either tweak AutoBox to keep these collections as they are or if I can have AutoBox ignore certain forler and libraries? Thanks

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OK cool, and about excluding folders? I have movies that don't have sequels loose in their own partition and movie series in their own partition in their appropriate folders. Thanks 

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OK took the plunge, and for me anyway I'm better off manually doing my collections.  Don't get me wrong it did a nice job, but besides the ones I listed above I have the Marvel Universe. It and the ones listed above were all split into different collections, and some items from my movies partition were made into collections. The later I never organized cause I never planned to add them to a collection. All of this would be no big deal to correct if one could select multiple collections for deletion in stead of one at a time. As it was even removing the plugin and restarting the server I still had to go in and remove all the collections it created. I won't say it wasn't worth a look, just that it doesn't suite my needs at this time. Thanks for the help and information on this anyway.

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That is the controversy of a List vs a true boxset/collection, Marvel Universe is not a boxset/collection it is a list of movies.

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31 minutes ago, Happy2Play said:

That is the controversy of a List vs a true boxset/collection, Marvel Universe is not a boxset/collection it is a list of movies.

Maybe but by the studio they all belong together, as the others I mentioned so that is how I have them filed. Don't get me wrong it is a great plugin. Just not suited for how I have those series. If there were a way to select multiple collections for deletion then I'd use it.

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Okay terminology then Studio is not a boxset/collection it is still a list.  But you should get your request when Emby adds Smart Playlists.  There is a plugin in the plugin section right now if you want to take a look.

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Let's just drop the convo and leave it at each their own like I was trying to do, thanks. Now to this Smart Playlist list if I test it and find I don't like it is it going to leave the items it created like AutoBox did? Thanks

Edited by MediaMogal
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2 minutes ago, MediaMogal said:

Let's just drop the convo and leave it at each their own like I was trying to do, thanks. Now to this Smart Play list if I test it and find I don't like it is it going to leave the items it created like AutoBox did? Thanks

Hi, I'm not sure about that. I would ask the developer in the thread in this forum for the plugin.

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Gave the AutoBox plugin some more thought and decided that I'll use it after all. It won't be that many collections it creates that I have to remove.

Edited by MediaMogal
Cause the previous poster isn't worth my time to respond to
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fine - taking offense at giving you the link you could have found on your own by either searching or going to the plugin sub forum and its the 7th from the top i- s very thin skinned of you

each to their own i guess


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