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Hi everyone,

I have been collecting 3D movies both on BluRay as well as digitally.  Recently, I acquired a DLP projector that is capable of projecting 3D movies, so I purchased a couple of sets of active shutter 3D glasses.  I don't own a 3D capable BluRay player, but my PS4 is capable of playing 3D BluRays.  When I play 3D Blurays on my PS4 and project them using my projector, I am able to actually watch them in 3D, so there is no question whether or not my projector system (Viewsonic PG707W) is capable of displaying 3D movies.


So, I have been trying to play 3D movies from EMBY, with quite the opposite results.  All of my digital 3D movies are 3D "side by side" versions of the movie.  I have adjusted my projector's settings to display "side by side" 3D movies, and you can definitely see that EMBY is trying to display in 3D, but as soon as the movie starts, the 3D effects drop and all the projector displays is 2 versions of the movie, playing, you guessed it, side by side.  You can literally see the change happening when wearing the glasses.  The display starts out in 3D, but as soon as the movie starts, the glasses drop the 3D effect.

Is there some step I am missing in getting EMBY to display them correctly?  I have made certain that I am following the proper naming convention for 3D movies, and EMBY Theater is showing the titles as 3D (although the same cannot be said for the ROKU version of EMBY).

To anyone having any experience at displaying 3D movies correctly, I would be eternally grateful if you could share your experience, and help me get mine to play correctly.  And thanks in advance for any information you are willing to share!!!



Well, I found, the only really working way of playing 3D movies is with Kodi and Emby/EmbyCon plugin (and direct access).

When configured for hardware mode as 3D output, it just works best.

I'm using two different Intel based little PCs with LibreElec 9.2.x and EmbyCon plugin (which I prefer over the Emby plugin) for this, I never got it fully working with Kodi for Windows.

One is a Vorke V1 Plus (Celereon J3455 based), the other an Intel NUC with i3 7100.

Both can output 3D hardware based and decode x264/x265, but the i3 has just more power and works much better then the Celeron based.

Also, you should always select the right 3D format inside the 3D MKV hader itself.

Just using the naming is for most players not enough, this will just tell Emby to show it as 3D file, but the player will look into the header of the file itself.

And I know no Emby client, that really can play 3D files, I tried everything with Emby Theater, but it seems to be impossible to output working 3D.

At least I created a mpv script for playing 3D files in 2D for non 3D devices...

Ciao, Alfred



What device do you have the projector hooked to?


My projector is connected to a 4k Roku.



What Emby app are you trying to play with?

Posted (edited)

The Roku could only ever do side-by-side 3D and only the Roku 3 ever had that ability. It only supported SBS and did a poor job. Roku only allowed certain applications access to their 3D API to access it. Netflix and Amazon were the only companies to produce 3D content on the Roku player via a custom video player built by Roku. That video player could only show 3D video at 720P@30FPS. No other companies "ponied up" to keep this going. Netflix had over 100 titles converted to 3D for playback on the Roku. Amazon had only a dozen or so. It was abandoned when Roku made the switch from BroadCom chips to MStar chips. All Roku TV are MStar variant. Roku removed 3D support from all devices as of firmware 8.0.x.

Edited by speechles
3 hours ago, gerry.emm said:

My projector is connected to a 4k Roku.


speechles really already covered this.  You will likely want to get something like an nvidia Shield TV Pro or MiBox-S (1/3 price) to hook to your projector for 3D playback.  I use both of these with different 3D formats with no issues connected to my 75" Samsung 3D TV.


I never had an issue with 3D and it looked pretty good.  Had NO idea that new rokus are not capable of running 3D?  Guess i better baby the Roku 3!

3D has become the new betamax... 

11 minutes ago, skidmarks said:

3D has become the new betamax... 

Yea, this is something that actually surprised me as I really enjoy a good 3D movie from time to time.

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