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Using REST API to to stream to DLNA device


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I am able to stream music to Volumio using the emby web interface but how would I do this using the REST API? I can the see the url used in the emby log but I wouldn't have a PlaySessionId or a MediaSourceId. Below is from the log.

HTTP GET http://192.168.x.x:8096/audio/3862/stream.wma?DeviceId=uuid:04255cb4-11f0-58db-0053-b827eb2458a8&MediaSourceId=eb7810ffae81a7aef2221d1ae6d94547&Static=true

My goal is to create my own web interface  to stream music similar to the emby one. I want to use the rest API so I can have my home automation system be able to start, stop. and pause  playback. When I try to use the above URL in Chrome I get a download popup. Postman just returns a 200 Ok with no content.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 


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I did but no matter what I do, I still get a download popup asking me to download a ".wma" file or I get a "Unable to find specified file." message

Here's the arguments I used. I assume this can be doing using a "GET" command.

http://192.168.x.x:8096/audio/3862/stream.wma - 3862 is the ID of the track I want to play remotely

DeviceId=uuid:04255cb4-11f0-58db-0053-b827eb2458a8 - This is the uuid of my Volumio player

UserId=61638f6b3990488984d3d713dae58ba8 - This is the generic user I use to play music using the standard web interface

api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - This is the api key I created for the REST API request. This works as I am able to use other requests to get things like devices, users, items, etc.



I even added 



For the base URL I even tried 


Using GET results in a download popup. A POST results an "Unable to find specified file." message.


Thank you for your time.


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Well I got it to work. Not sure if it's the right way. I found a session that appears to always exist for Volumio. Using that session ID I was able to play back tracks using Postman using a URL similar to this.

http://emby:8096/Sessions/<session ID>/Playing?ItemIds=<track ID>&PlayCommand=PlayNext&StartIndex=0

Other commands like Stop/Pause/UnPause worked using

http://emby:8096/Sessions/<Session ID>/Playing/Stop

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