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Additional series sort options


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This is a minor issue, but one that I find annoying.  I'd love it if the Recording/DVR library had an option to sort by most recently added content.

Date Added and Release Date appear to be series-centric and do not update the library sort order when new content is added.  Realease Date could work if I only was recording new series, and they were equally active.  Date Added works nice when I bulk import a series (marathon recordings), but if it is an older series that is not active after the marathon it sits are the top of the list.

Alternatively sorting by unwatched item count would be close enough is that were easier to accomplish.

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Hi.  We already have a sort by "Date last episode added" in the TV library.  Does this not do what you are asking?

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It would, but I don't see that option.  The library currently has a mixed content type, which I suspect is the issue.

I do not recall manually building the library, but it is possible I did.  And confirmed.  I have a non-DVR TV library that does have that option.  I went to change the content type and the system said delete and re-add the library.

I went to do that and the remove option said it would remove the 'folder' selected and had the file system path, suggesting it would nuke my media.  Time to take a backup before trying that...

Could that sort option also be used on mixed content libraries (guessing no, but no harm in asking)

Edited by Dan_Austin
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