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Bug when creating new library that references junction/symlink on windows


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I run emby on a win64 system and use multiple USB drives for my media collection.  Since the drive letters assigned to these external drives can change and I don't want to have to manage that in many places, i have a "virtualmedia" directory on my c drive that has a junction defined to the media home directory of each  drive.  My emby media libraries are then defined with paths to c:/virtualmedia/whicheverdrive/movies/documentaries etc etc.

This has been working fine for ages and continues to work for libraries i've already made, but if i make a new library in this way, i see no content unless I switch to "folders" view, in which case I'll see a folder "documentaries" (basically a folder for the last path element for each path defined for a library).  

I only use one user and confirmed he has access to all libraries so I suspect this is a problem with handling symlinks/junctions on windows.  Any ideas (other than buy a real file server?)



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Sounds like your media is covered by another library.  Emby will not allow media in say a sub-folder of another library so the assigned parent folder controls everything within that folder.

c:/virtualmedia/whicheverdrive/movies (This will control documentaries)


If this is not the case then we many need to go over specific examples and library setup.

Edited by Happy2Play
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Ahhh, yes I do have some overlap right now.  (My libraries were getting too big so I've busted them up into some categories, but i still have the old definition that picks them all up registered for a dumb lazy reason I won't bother detailing).

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First of all, thanks for the amazing response time!  And I've confirmed that solves all the weird behavior i was seeing from server, so thanks for solving my problem.

If i could offer a suggestion, it would be great to get an error message (or at least a toast saying "Warning:  path duplication detected") when defining a new library that has overlap with an existing one.  I didn't realize there was a uniqueness constraint on content and i doubt I'm the only one so a warning might save folks later when they run into this scenario.  Again, thanks!!!


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I'm going to try to take a second bite of the apple....is there a supported batch way to define or edit a library definition?  

If not, then THEORETICALLY speaking, if I had an obsessive friend with libraries defined across a bunch of places, could they  define the basic libraries in the gui, and then for library XYZ edit the xml file c:/Users/godAccount/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/root/default/XYZ/options.xml  to add all the paths, and then rescan the XYZ library?  Or would that cause drama downstream?

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22 minutes ago, albumman said:

I'm going to try to take a second bite of the apple....is there a supported batch way to define or edit a library definition?  

If not, then THEORETICALLY speaking, if I had an obsessive friend with libraries defined across a bunch of places, could they  define the basic libraries in the gui, and then for library XYZ edit the xml file c:/Users/godAccount/AppData/Roaming/Emby-Server/root/default/XYZ/options.xml  to add all the paths, and then rescan the XYZ library?  Or would that cause drama downstream?

Not sure exactly what you mean as the UI will write the folder path to the options.xml.  So they are the same. 

I do not believe you can make changes to that xml directly while the server is online either.

Or are you saying add folders direcly to xml instead of in the UI?  If so yes while offline.

I am not knowledgeable in the API, but I believe it could be a option also, there is a link at the bottom of the dashboard.

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Yep, you got my intent...and thanks again it works like a charm.  Didn't realize we had a real api so I'll go that route when i do the tv shows, but for the movies the brute-force way worked well enough.

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