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Way to stop removing movies from collections?


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I stopped using AutoBoxSets recently because I was tired of it automatically deleting my custom collections.  I thought I would run it once, remove it and then add my collections.  I couldn't figure out why seeming randomly It would decide to remove my collections.


I think I figured out what was happening.  I have a (separate) issue where occasionally a drive will become unresponsive.  If I don't catch it in time, Emby will start removing the movies from that drive from the db.  That makes sense and is easy to correct by rescanning the library once I get the drive back online.  Unfortunately, each of those removed movies are now not in any collection, leaving me combing through my entire library to manually place them.  I guess at this point AutoBoxsets is better than nothing.  90% of my collections can be managed by autoboxsets, I just wish there was a way that I could have it leave my custom collections alone.

Or even better, if there was a way to have these movies pop back into their collections when they are rescanned.  I realized while typing this that all that is probably in the db, and there is probably no way to remove a movie and have it remember which colleciton it was in, unless maybe I could export that data to the metadata files once I have everything set up?


Anyway, this seems to be my biggest re-occuring headache on Emby, and while my odd hard drive issue (im thinking something to do with my Sine-Wave UPS, not sure) definately makes the problem worse, we would still have the issue if we lost access to media during a RAID rebuild or something.  It would be nice to have a fix.

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Hi there, can you please attach the emby server log from when the movies were removed from the library? thanks.

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