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Hide movies in my library


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I wonder if it would be possible to hide certain movies that are in a directory of a Google Shared Drive.
The owner has it a bit disorganized, with the same movie repeated several times and since I don't have the right to delete or move it to another folder, if I delete the movie in the next refresh of the library it reappears.

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We have a number of techniques available to hide content, ranging from tags to parental controls. I'm guessing you may want to look into blocking based on tags.

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Thanks for your help Luke, but I don't think I know how to do it.

I have write "Hidden" on the tag for movies that I don't want to be seen in the librtary but are still visible.

If I select tag library filter "hidden"  then it shows me only the ones with that tag, but I don't see the option to show all the movies except the ones with the tag "hidden".

Is there a document that explains how to do it or can you explain it to me, please?

Edited by Teddy
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Hi @@ebr,


the KB is actually a little out of date here - as you now have the option to either Block or Allow by tag, not just block.


@@Teddy - I use it to block 4K content per user based on setting 4K tags - so you should be able to just set a suitable tag per Media item, add that tag name to the restrict list per user and set it to 'Block' mode and it should no longer show those items.




Edited by rbjtech
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Thanks to all for the help.

I have followed the instructions of rbjtech and since I only use a single user I have been able to block the movies that I did not need.

Thanks again to solve the issue.

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