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Why does emby show different versions of the same movie in different items?


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I have the following:


$ ls "/mnt/unionfs/Media/Movies/Movies/Flight (2012)/"
Why does Emby show me the movie twice when I browse the category? See attached. My expectation would be for it to show me a single item with both the 1080p and 4k version selectable from the dropbox. I don't understand why I need to merge them manually. I'm in the process of consolidating 1080p and 4K movies in the same underlying path and but I'm gonna have to reconsider if this is how it's gonna go for all movies.
The naming convention has to be _exactly_ like that? I don't rename my media. A lot of people don't rename their media. Is this really necessary? Emby should be able to easily different versions of the same movie with different quality settings based on the filename and put them together _especially_ if they're in the same folder...


Edited by enqbcvqw
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Hi, that's the required naming convention for automatic grouping. Alternatively you can use the multi select tool to manually group them.

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