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Nvidia Shield server unsuccesful scan


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Just now, cayars said:

I have a shield but just because I have one doesn't mean I'm going to have a corrupt database that needs fixing.  This can happen on any OS that runs SQLite databases.

I wish you would put as much effort into trying to follow the KB article as wanting to discuss the cause or how to work around the problem as it really would fix your problem even if you had to reset the database.  It would be impossible to have this error after completely following the steps of the article.

Just saying.

If you do change your mind the offer to do a support session with you to get the system working again stands.

Regardless all the best

Dear Cayar, I allready put three days of effort in searching for a solution. I have been three times through all the steps in the article so please don't tell me to put effort into following the KB article. I just installed the Emby server again but now on a windows machine, no problem when deleting a complete directory. So it's a android shield thing. If you have one use it with the example I gave, did you do that ??

Also: my system is working it's just not possible to delete a complete directory wich is not needed if you follow my steps. So I hope other people suffering the same problem can use my hints. 


Using Plex I can delete everything I want and where I want so that's my way to go again.

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Again, it's not a platform thing but a corrupt database.  The same thing could happen on a NAS or Windows install and does from time to time.  Losing power or turning off a device running SQLite can do this. This happens to Plex installs as well as they use the same exact SQLite database.

What you essentially did by installing fresh on Windows is reset your library which could also have been done for your shield install and is covered in the article.

Contrary to what you think this isn't a media folder issue but a corrupt database issue so following steps to add/remove media isn't needed as I understand how Emby Server needs to process these changes on the backend and the logs show what is happening.  You however, have only seen the issue show up when records needed to be deleted from the database due to you changing folder content so it's not surprising you might think the cause is different.

I completely understand the problem and help people with issues like this when they occur and know how to fix it which is why I offered to remote in and give you a hand.

Moving on. You will be much happier running Emby on a real computer under Windows.  The Shield TV for all it's glory really isn't designed to function as both a client and a server at the same time and is limited in what it can do compared to a PC.

You made a wonderful choice installing on Windows and I think you will be really happy moving forward with it this way!

Happy Streaming.

PS, after you get your libraries rebuilt, shut down Emby Server and navigate to:
C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Emby-Server\programdata\data  (might need to change the username)

Make a backup of that data folder which will hold all critical Emby Database files.  From time to time (once a month) update your backup copy.  In the event something were to ever happen in the future you would not need to rebuild you library but just copy over the library.db file from you last good working backup and be right backup and running from that point in time.  A database scan would update or remove any changes to media.  It's a great way to add a layer of protection for yourself.  You can do this on any OS running Emby but the path given above will be different.


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Thanks but what you are saying is that on a new install on Nvidia Shield the database is allready corrupt. I have reinstalled emby server several times the last four days and every time the same thing happens even if I only add 1 TV-Series. The problem does not occur if i remove a movie. So why do you promote this produkt if it doesn't work? Plex is working fine on the Shield.



Like I said I like the way Emby integrates the possibility to upload my collection to trakt, plex can't. So I will use Emby to upload my collection to trakt but for day to day use I will use Plex again.

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First the product works very well or users would come out of the woodwork with similar issues to yours if this wasn't an isolated/environmental issue.  We have far to many people running Emby on all the different platforms not to know if there was an issue like this that was in the software.

How did you remove Emby prior to reinstalling?  Did you manually clear out the folders removing the existing setup? This is the first time you've mentioned this at all (multiple installs). You likely never cleared the problem but just removed/reinstalled the software itself. The database certainly won't corrupt itself on install unless it's being written to a disc that is faulty.

There is no way for us to hypothesize what is going on with your system that caused this but we offered to look and try and find out. Underlying causes could be abrupt power loss, memory constraint or Android shutting Emby processes down due to memory or IO limits exceeded. It could be an iffy card or memory stick or any number of things depending on the setup of the Shield.

Movies are sort of one dimensional where TV episodes are linked together by show, season, episode so naturally have more database records needed to represent that structure. So their very nature is a bit more complex.

The bottom line is you wanted help, we offered to remote in and diagnose/fix it for you but you declined so I'm not sure what the complaint can be when you won't allow us to help?

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1 minute ago, cayars said:

First the product works very well or users would come out of the woodwork with similar issues to yours if this wasn't an isolated/environmental issue.  We have far to many people running Emby on all the different platforms not to know if there was an issue like this that was in the software.

How did you remove Emby prior to reinstalling?  Did you manually clear out the folders removing the existing setup? This is the first time you've mentioned this at all (multiple installs). You likely never cleared the problem but just removed/reinstalled the software itself. The database certainly won't corrupt itself on install unless it's being written to a disc that is faulty.

There is no way for us to hypothesize what is going on with your system that caused this but we offered to look and try and find out. Underlying causes could be abrupt power loss, memory constraint or Android shutting Emby processes down due to memory or IO limits exceeded. It could be an iffy card or memory stick or any number of things depending on the setup of the Shield.

Movies are sort of one dimensional where TV episodes are linked together by show, season, episode so naturally have more database records needed to represent that structure. So their very nature is a bit more complex.

The bottom line is you wanted help, we offered to remote in and diagnose/fix it for you but you declined so I'm not sure what the complaint can be when you won't allow us to help?

Again you say something wich is not correct. I mentioned reinstalling the server, I also mentioned I deleted everything. Exactly at this moment I reinstalled again the server after removing the software on the Shield and completely removing the directory containing the emby server including metafiles and datafiles. At this moment it's rebuilding the Library with TV-Series.

When it's finished I will remove one directory and let you know. Please Google for shield emby scanning unsuccessful.

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20 minutes ago, RangerdangerOss said:

Again you say something wich is not correct. I mentioned reinstalling the server, I also mentioned I deleted everything. Exactly at this moment I reinstalled again the server after removing the software on the Shield and completely removing the directory containing the emby server including metafiles and datafiles. At this moment it's rebuilding the Library with TV-Series.

When it's finished I will remove one directory and let you know. Please Google for shield emby scanning unsuccessful.

Reinstallation finished, added a few TV-Series in a new library. Scan works fine, everything shows up in the library. Delete one directory on the external disk, scan fails with same error messages as before. Conclusion according to Emby, the database is corrupt. Let's move on 🙂


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Yes I did see you said you reinstalled one time and what you did.  That was about 5 hours ago you mentioned that. That procedure does look correct.

Let us know how you make out after you retest this.

If it doesn't work please upload every log file generated to let us have a look to see if we can spot something.

I'll wipe and reinstall Emby Server (same version) on one of my Shields and try to duplicate what you did for good measure as well.

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Cross posted,  can upload all logs from this install please.
I'll try and duplicate exactly what you did.


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OK I do see multiple things being deleted that worked but also see it gave the same error on The Lawyer.

The thing about this is that it's still loading and probing files building the information for the series while you delete it.  One of the internal errors show:


This could be because it hasn't finished fully loading the database yet and hasn't committed the transactions yet when it's being asked to delete them.  That's not a normal activity that would take place in the real world with most users but surely should be able to handle this.

Would you mind doing a test for me with a clean setup?  If so start from scratch and load a new TV Library but don't touch it while it's loading.  Wait until the scan is complete and there is no activity in the log file. Then shut down Emby Server and restart it.

Now try deleting a folder and let me know if you can still reproduce this error.  That would be a great help if you could do this since you've been able to reproduce this error over and over again.

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1 minute ago, cayars said:


OK I do see multiple things being deleted that worked but also see it gave the same error on The Lawyer.

The thing about this is that it's still loading and probing files building the information for the series while you delete it.  One of the internal errors show:


This could be because it hasn't finished fully loading the database yet and hasn't committed the transactions yet when it's being asked to delete them.  That's not a normal activity that would take place in the real world with most users but surely should be able to handle this.

Would you mind doing a test for me with a clean setup?  If so start from scratch and load a new TV Library but don't touch it while it's loading.  Wait until the scan is complete and there is no activity in the log file. Then shut down Emby Server and restart it.

Now try deleting a folder and let me know if you can still reproduce this error.  That would be a great help if you could do this since you've been able to reproduce this error over and over again.

This deleteitemsintransaction is probably because the deletion did not finish. I will do this now with only 1 TV-Series

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That's one series with one episode only?

What does this look like on disc?

Should be easy to try and reproduce.
Much appreciate your help on this.

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1 minute ago, cayars said:

That's one series with one episode only?

What does this look like on disc?

Should be easy to try and reproduce.
Much appreciate your help on this.

No I only put 1 episode in te directory 🙂 The log file is in my last post the embyserver(5).txt

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On 20/07/2021 at 19:10, cayars said:

Got ya,

Will be trying to duplicate your results later tonight.


I tried the following. Like I said I now have a Windows Emby server and a Shield emby server. Both servers are pointing to the same TV-Series directory on an external disk attached to the Shield. The windows server Library is connected with a share created on the shield. If I completely remove the directory with the tv series "Coyote" the windows server correctly deletes all metadatafiles. The Shield server crashes after the second deletion. So it's my guess something is going wrong when you scan the directory, metadata files are not correctly in the database so when you try to delete them the database is pointing to an non existent directory. Also I like to mention that this also occurs after completely reinstalling the server and only adding one series. 



Edited by RangerdangerOss
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On 7/20/2021 at 7:10 PM, cayars said:

Got ya,

Will be trying to duplicate your results later tonight.


@cayars Any success?

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