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Right/Left Scroll missing in 'classic' browsers - Update


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Emby on Asustor NAS - Access via Windows 10 using Waterfox Classic.

(Waterfox is a clone of Firefox, but you can use a lot more Addons)


Since update the left/right scroll arrows are now missing from the web page screen.

It means that on the Home Page I can only access the last 9 1/2 Latest TV Show icons, the rest are off to the right, but there is no way to move the screen to view that way.

The small arrows that normally appear to icons is not there and since there is only a scroll down the right side of screen for moving screen up/down, and none on the bottom of the page, I can't even scroll the whole page to the left/right.

The right/left scroll arrows are also missing on ALL pages in Emby - the actors icons from in a TV or Movie etc.

This error also happens in Internet Explorer.


However if I open Emby in Microsoft Edge, the scroll arrows are there like normal.


Is there a way to get them back in Classic Web Explorers ?





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No, there are 2 main versions of Waterfox like there are 2 main versions of Firefox. All versions have regular updates.

If remember correctly with Firefox the normal version that has huge restrictions on what addons you can use and Developer (or classic) allows some older style addons to still work.

Same with Waterfox, there is the standard or up-to-date version which has huge security restrictions, and Classic - which I use because several sites I need to use still have 'old style' connections that can't work on the more modern versions.


So my question is, why did they change how the web-page works so it doesn't show or allow the arrows to appear and be used - and is there a addon or setting to get Classic versions to once again allow or use them ?

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This is happening because we're using newer browser features to detect your primary input method to determine what to show or hide. Although to be honest they're really not even that new anymore.


To be honest, a browser that doesn't support these features would make it closer to something like internet explorer than a modern browser.


I'll have to see what workarounds we might be able to add, but we're starting to use these features all over so there's going to be more problems besides this.

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