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Cache artwork does not work


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I currently run Emby for Kodi and Kodi on a slow Android based TV.  I am running Emby Server on an android device as well that has been rooted to mount Google Drive through rclone.  Works fine with regular Emby client and such.  Images are saved on the Google Drive and they have also been cached by the server.  In any event, to avoid waiting for images to show up while navigating Kodi menu, I am trying to use precaching as much as possible.  I enabled the kodi webserver without password and on port 8080 and confirmed it working.


When I sync Emby libraries with Kodi through E4K, it works fine too except for artwork caching.  While syncing is performed, if I go into the E4K settings, the "Enable Artwork Cache" is unchecked.  Even when I enable this option again while syncing is in progress, obviously no changes.  The artwork cache did not work and Kodi downloads artwork as I navigate through the movies/tv shows.  Upon relaunching Kodi, I disable and then enable the artwork caching option.  And then start "Update Libraries" function.  When I go to the settings, I see that the Artwork Cache option is disabled again as before.  The same thing happens with Repair Libraries or removing and re-adding libraries.  Ugh.


If I start "Cache All Artwork" from the add-on options, it starts fine, assessing what files need to be downloaded and such.  And then it hangs with the message something along the lines of waiting for threads to exit: 103049.  I waited for 9 hours but no progress.


Is there a way to fix this?

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