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Search by TV show + episode name


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I'm currently using the http://swagger.emby.media/?staticview=true#/ItemsService/getUsersByUseridItems with parameters 'IncludeItemTypes=episode' and searchTerm to find episodes by name but I was wondering if it was possible to include the name of the TV show somehow in the request to narrow down the search. I'm asking because there are cases (like most first episodes that are called "Pilot") where being able to also include the TV show would help a lot. 



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use the ID of the series as the parentID to narrow the search to just that series


e.g. searching for a episode called "Real World" for series 1164 - you can get this from the url of the home page of the series or query the api for the series by name first etc etc



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Where is this ID coming from? Is it an Emby specific ID or does it come from a provider? I'm asking because I'm using a Kodi addon as the frontend and I'm a bit limited to what I can use without coding something myself.

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its the internal ID of the series in emby - i.e. the db record number


its in every url for an item home page



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I don't think that's going to work in my case because that means making another request to find the TV show which puts me in the same situation. For instance, if I search for episode "Pilot" of "House" I would need to search first for "House" which would give me "House M.D." and "House of cards" (at least these two). I'm doing the search from inside an addon which gives me the episode and some information like episode id, season id and TV show id from providers like IMDB, TVDB, TMDB or Track. The problem is that not all episodes have these ids, that's why I was looking for a way to search by title and tv show (season wouldn't work as that's dependant on the provider used). I could make do with tv show id as that's something I almost always have (I think). But I guess the only available option is the internal Emby id?

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yes you are it appears limited by what the plugin can do



maybe explain why you are looking for an episode by title - might be a better way to do it?

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Sorry I don't get what you mean by a better way to do it. Do you mean that I should explain why I'm searching for episodes by title? It's basically because the addon acts as a frontend and search engine to then call other addons from it. The problem here is that it gets to the episode level, so unless the Emby server contains the TMDB id of the episode (that's the information provider the addon uses) or the addon is able to find the TVDB id from the TMDB id (it's not able to do it for everyone, specially when TV shows are handled differently on each provider), I'm left with using the episode name, which may be used by other series. 

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So if all your series/season and episodes had a tmdb ID - then this problem would go away?

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Yes, because then I could use the parameter AnyProviderIdEquals to find them. That's what I do by default and then I fallback to search by name. The problem is that for episodes the most common provider to use is TVDB, not TMDB. Normally one provider has the ID of the other but only when their TV shows/movies match the name. But that's not always the case, specially for anime where even the episode names differ sometimes. So being able to search by TV show and episode would improve the chances of finding a match but it wouldn't be 100% perfect anyway.

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Searching by "path" might give you what you want


so you could search say


e:\Tv\seriesname\seasonname - would then give you all episodes of that season

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