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Starting today, we will extend availability of our current Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 Pro and Windows Server 2012 R2 RTM builds to the developer and IT professional communities via MSDN and TechNet subscriptions. The Windows 8.1 RTM Enterprise edition will be available through MSDN and TechNet for businesses later this month.



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PS – I don’t recommend upgrading a stable WMC build to Windows 8.1 RTM. – AgileIT about 1 month ago

Hopefully MBC is updated for 8.1. My channel logo and ceton tools have been updated. If MBC is updated then i will upgrade the HTPC. My laptop is already running 8.1. – Deihmos about 1 month ago

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24 Responses






send pm

Created:1 day ago

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Is there anything I can do to help get this fixed? I’m running Windows 8.1 Professional 64-bit and would be happy to provide logs or try different tests.


I’m having the same issue that the others are having, where launching Media Browser from within WMC says the application has failed.





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You can find the errors in the windows event log and post them here so we can see if it is the same. – ebr 1 day ago

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Created:10 days ago

Modified:10 days ago

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ok .73 dev build will sometimes load. where previous build would not.


found some more info about the crashes when the do happen in the event log..


Fault bucket 125498911, type 4 Event Name: APPCRASH Response: Not available Cab Id: 0


Problem signature: P1: ehExtHost.exe P2: 6.3.9600.16384 P3: 52156e5f P4: clr.dll P5: 4.0.30319.33440 P6: 520038bd P7: c0000005 P8: 00000000000caabe P9: P10:


Attached files: C:\Users\Aaron.CrystalCity\AppData\Local\Temp\WER6F95.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml


These files may be available here: C:\Users\Aaron.CrystalCity\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrashehExtHost.exe762c7aa6a768bf493c42589ece6cda38a8d78bb24060f3a777041


Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: 4227aaec-2993-11e3-8256-b88d12300725 Report Status: 0 Hashed bucket: 4065efff2d43d681cbda7ac8c34c0143



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That is completely coincidental. Nothing has changed to affect 8.1 in the last few builds. What we are finding is that the issues are seemingly random and very inconsistent. – ebr 9 days ago

Figured as much just thought I’d add what little info I had. – Logos302 9 days ago delete

Thanks, I appreciate it. – ebr 9 days ago

ebr, Is MBT being actively tested on 8.1? It sounds like MBT will be the perfect fix for this. I’m totally willing to test 8.1. Thanks! – Dravor 9 days ago

I don’t know that it is but this shouldn’t be an issue. This problem is all WMC I’m pretty sure. – ebr 9 days ago

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send pm

Created:12 days ago

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Here is what I found on that particular .net error:


Posted by Microsoft on 10/27/2011 at 12:45 PM


The issue you are seeing here is caused by managed heap corruption. This can be due to a wide variety of issues, such as an incorrect PInvoke signature, native code in your program corrupting the managed heap, or in rare cases a bug in CLR itself. For some background information, there are several places on the internet with information about debugging this type of issue: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/tess/archive/2006/02/09/net-crash-managed-heap-corruption-calling-unmanaged-code.aspx


We don’t have any unmanaged code in MBC and the only pinvoke we do is actually in the configurator.


My fear is that something has changed internally in either Windows or WMC that has impacted WMC plug-ins in this way and MS is going to care very little about this as they haven’t cared about anything in WMC for three OS versions now.



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hmm sounds like MBT might be the only answer then :(. Anything else that I can provide/look for let me know and I’ll posted it. – Logos302 12 days ago delete

MS will have to care cause MC is now a paid add on for Windows 8/8.1. I don’t have 8.1 and will not be upgrading, but I would suggest those that are testing it somehow log this issue with Microsoft. – browned 12 days ago

wound’t be the first time that they drop support for something people payed for. – Logos302 12 days ago delete

Making WMC a paid add-on was their way of phasing it out. Very few people will pay extra for it. – ebr 11 days ago

Hopefully, we’ll stumble on something that fixes it. – ebr 11 days ago

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Created:12 days ago

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Here is the event log from my system Item Two: Faulting application name: ehExtHost.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x52156e5f Faulting module name: clr.dll, version: 4.0.30319.33440, time stamp: 0x520038bd Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x00000000000caabe Faulting process id: 0x15bc Faulting application start time: 0x01cebbb5bb33a359 Faulting application path: C:\Windows\eHome\ehExtHost.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll Report Id: f9fbac45-27a8-11e3-8256-b88d12300725 Faulting package full name: Faulting package-relative application ID:


Item One Application: ehExtHost.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 00007FFB3EA9AABE (00007FFB3E9D0000) with exit code 80131506.



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Is there also another error labeled “.net error” or something like that? That particular one doesn’t tell us anything except that .net failed. – ebr 12 days ago

I belive Item One is the error that is labeled .net error, but I’ll check when I get home from work. – Logos302 12 days ago delete

Item One is labeled .net runtime and item two is Application error in the source. – Logos302 12 days ago delete

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send pm

Created:12 days ago

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Hi ebr




Running Windows 8.1 x64 Version B9-20.1 .net 3.5 SP1, version 3.5.30729.4926


When I try to start MBC either via the desktop shortcut, or from within MediaCenter, I don’t get any errors or crashes, it just stays on a plain blue screen.


I can’t seem to use the remote control to go back, but using the mouse on the back button will return to the main menu.


Here is a MBC log file from that process MBC Log


Here is the server log for 2 attempted starts and exits (back button) Server Log


I have inserted 2 rows of asterisks (********) that show where it pauses on the blue screen, exiting out is everything after those lines.


Server is running on Windows 8 and is running well with 2 other Windows 8 MBC clients and 2 android devices. Server version 3.0.4999.38224


The Windows 8.1 MBC machine is absolutely clean apart from latest drivers and windows updates. Nothing else installed at all.


If there is anything else you would like me to do or try just let me know.





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Thanks. Nothing has been identified to solve the 8.1 issues yet. It is very interesting that some people say it works fine (when entering via start menu) and others are getting this blue screen. That blue screen basically means that WMC was unable to load a MCML resource it was looking for. If you look in your event log there may be more information about it there. – ebr 12 days ago

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send pm

Created:14 days ago

Modified:14 days ago

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Besides when using the MBC shortcut to get in directly or when exiting where it always generates the error msg, the crashing isn’t specific to a workflow or media, like ebr mentioned. Sometimes, I can navigate, play, resume, etc.. for like 30m without any issue like other times I crash after first or second playback/resume. Those tests were made with a fresh install of MBC (no theme, etc…) But, when using an external player (MPCHC), no issue at all… (well except the entering/exiting still).


I’ve seen that 8.1 32 bits has no issue. (jacklynee) Can anyone confirm/test this? That would help isolating a bit…



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send pm

Created:14 days ago

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Anyone attempting this be sure you have installed .net 3.5 SP1. 8.1 probably comes with 4.5 installed but not 3.5.



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Here’s how to enable .net 3.5 in Win8 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2785188 – Steven 14 days ago

Do we need the http portions of .net 3.5 install or just the main part? – Logos302 14 days ago delete

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send pm

Created:14 days ago

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We have some people that say everything works basically fine except that MC itself bombs when trying to play something sometimes. sfnetwork has done extensive testing and cannot nail down any specific scenario that will play properly vs. not but he does have MBC operating and navigating normally.


We have others say it just “doesn’t work” which, I’m sorry, but really does not help. When something doesn’t do what you expect, please report exactly what you did and exactly what happened. If you get a crash from WMC where MBC is shut down, also please find the errors in your Windows event log and post those. Thanks.



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send pm

Created:15 days ago

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Also happy to test any possible fixes on 8.1 if it will help.



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Created:16 days ago

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thought would test out 8.1 rtm and MBC well sadly it doesn’t work which was expected somewhat. MBC was .72. I posted the log. I’m happy to help with fixing it if you need more test pilots :).





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What does “doesn’t work” mean? – ebr 14 days ago

sorry, I click the button to launch the software in Media Center or start menu and a blue screen comes up and then says the program failed to respond error. click on and back to the main menu in media center. – Logos302 14 days ago delete

I’m running Windows 8.1 X64. – Logos302 14 days ago delete

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send pm

Created:19 days ago

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On Windows 8.1 32bit MB3 Server and MBC works just fine FYI no Codecs installed and no Shark007


No issue here at all all playback is normal


also i did not install any theme defult theme and all MB3 plugins that all





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send pm

Created:19 days ago

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Try as I may, I’ve tried putting the SQLite.dll in those three places and MB3 still won’t start.


Tried using the dll from the server as well, it’s the same version but has a slightly difference file size, made no difference.


I REALLY REALLY hope this gets fixed, I’ve just built a new Media Center on 8.1 and I REALLY REALLY don’t want to have to start all over again :)


C'mon wizards, work out why it’s not working … please :)



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Are you installing mbc or mb3 server ? – jacklynee 19 days ago

I have mb3 server on 8.1 and it work just fine – jacklynee 19 days ago

MBC on a Win 8.1 machine and MB3 Server on a Win 8 machine. – pgriffith 18 days ago

both in same pc works just fine for me no error what so ever – jacklynee 18 days ago

Please don’t download those files into those directories. It is not necessary and won’t fix anything. SQLite is delivered with MBC. – ebr 18 days ago

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send pm

Created:22 days ago

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wirh dot net 3.5sp1 SQLite.dll entry point working but it will lauch once or after several attemtps but with dot net 4.5 SQLite mbc will lauch but entry points wil not open.



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.NET versions are all standalone. They aren’t backward compatible. If it’s a .NET 3.51 app then it can’t work with 4.5 libraries. So no surprise and glad to hear it works! – deathsquirrel 22 days ago

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send pm

Created:23 days ago

Modified:23 days ago

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I had another test of this last night. Completely uninstalled/deleted the folders and reinstalled. It initially works, showing the log in screen and enters MBC showing all movies, but once out and I make any changes in the config then it will not work again. This was repeatable for me. Very odd…



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send pm

Created:23 days ago

Modified:18 days ago by ebr

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i fixed the entry points movies by genre and music by genre problem my mistake was that I put SQLite dll for dot net 4.5 instead of 3.5 wonce I put a dot 3.5 dll the unable to open error was fixed. [snip]



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That is the version of the dll that is delivered with MBC so there is no need to download separately here. – ebr 22 days ago

I removed these links. They are not necessary. SQLite is delivered with MBC. – ebr 18 days ago

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send pm

Created:23 days ago

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This is the logs from MBC and Windows Event view.





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Thanks, I guess somehow audigy is not seeing my posts ;). However, that error is coming from WMC itself (ehshell). Is there also a .net error at the same time? – ebr 22 days ago

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send pm

Created:23 days ago

Modified:18 days ago by ebr

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http://system.data.sqlite.org/downloads/ put this dll in the 3 folders and it will lauch.



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MBC is .net 3.5 as all WMC plug-ins must be. So, the sqlite dll that is delivered is the .net 3.5 variant of that same version. Also, you are linking him to an x64 assembly which won’t work on x86. – ebr 23 days ago

Again, log please…?? – ebr 23 days ago

This does not work. – Deihmos 23 days ago

Do not download any extra SQLite assemblies. This will only cause potential problems with other programs. – ebr 18 days ago

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send pm

Created:24 days ago

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the ehome folder in the windows folder in C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\MediaBrowser-Server\System and C:\ProgramData\MediaBrowser-Classic put the SQLite dll in these folders and mbc will lauch in media center.



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There is already a SQLite.dll file in the server system folder. Replacing it causes it to not load. Which file are you using? – Deihmos 24 days ago

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send pm

Created:24 days ago

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copy SQLite dll to the ehome folder and and mbc will lauch but entry points like movies by genre or music by genre and favorites wont open and you will get unable to open error.



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There are at least 3 ehome directories on windows. Which one are you referring to? I dropped that file in 3 of them and it still did not launch. – Deihmos 24 days ago

Can you please post a link to a MBC log and any Windows Event log errors that are generated? – ebr 24 days ago

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send pm

Created:26 days ago

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MBC does not work for me. I got the same error and .70 is a developer build so if you have it set to beta it wouldn’t download. I also tried .70 and it did not work.



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Sorry, I lost track of the current versions. You’re right .67 is current beta. – ebr 26 days ago

It appears MS has permanently broken WMC add-ons with 8.1. Until they, or someone else publishes some sort of fix or workaround, I think we are out of luck. This may be Microsoft’s way of killing off WMC. – ebr 26 days ago

I don’t think that’s it. Ceton tools works. MBC works on my laptop running 8.1 but I can never get it to work on the desktop. – Deihmos 26 days ago

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send pm

Created:26 days ago

Modified:26 days ago

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I installed 8.1 RTM yesterday (I only kept user data).


I just installed Media Center and MB server (which I configured) and then I installed MBC ( – I did notice that it ran the “Migrating Library” process for some reason.


Anyway, when Media Center appeared I got the exact same error as I was getting with 8.1 Preview: “The media browser 3 program has stopped responding and you will be returned to Windows Media Center.”.


Here’s one of the errors:


Application: ehExtHost.exe

Framework Version: v4.0.30319

Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime at IP 00007FF86DE0DEA7 (00007FF86DD20000) with exit code 80131506.

And here’s another:


Faulting application name: ehExtHost.exe, version: 6.3.9600.16384, time stamp: 0x52156e5f

Faulting module name: clr.dll, version: 4.0.30319.33440, time stamp: 0x520038bd

Exception code: 0xc0000005

Fault offset: 0x00000000000edea7

Faulting process ID: 0xa50

Faulting application start time: 0x01ceb0a230c2bd12

Faulting application path: C:\WINDOWS\eHome\ehExtHost.exe

Faulting module path: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\clr.dll

Report ID: 6f599262-1c95-11e3-8258-002522bd9b08

Faulting package full name:

Faulting package-relative application ID:

An here’s even more: link



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Why .67? The current beta release is .70. But, that won’t make a difference. Try one more thing. Go to the “Extras Library” in WMC, find MBC and try running it from there. – ebr 26 days ago

There’s nothing at all listed in the Extras Library – it just says “No Extras are available.” – AdrianW 26 days ago

Yeah, I realized we don’t show up there after I posted. – ebr 25 days ago

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send pm

Created:26 days ago

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Can anyone with 8.1RTM confirm that MBC still will not launch?



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@ebr i can test it tonight after work if that ok – jacklynee 26 days ago

Sure. Thx. – ebr 26 days ago

Yes, does not launch (( and even entry is missing from the Extras. – WWWesten 21 days ago

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send pm

Created:27 days ago

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i can see it is not ready yet very bad for 8.1 release and start menu and so on are not quite there yet so for guys who want to jump into 8.1 i would say wait for at lest few months


Good luck



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There’s nothing wrong with win 8.1, but WMC is broken so it’s a no go for most here until it’s fixed. – Steven 27 days ago

Or until MBT of course. :) – Steven 27 days ago

Win 8.1 is much better than 8. The only problem I have is MBC does not work. – Deihmos 27 days ago

The msdn 8.1 is little buggy in my side but it is ok once ms roll updated a it will be ok – jacklynee 26 days ago

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send pm

Created:27 days ago

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I got a copy of 8.1 MSDN from work today i am going to test it in one of my old laptop it should be a full verion that will be release soon for Free to everyone that has windows 8 so lets see how it goes




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Hello, I genuinely don't understand the question or comment.  Can you explain?  Win 8.1 RTM has been out for a while and is not yet supported with Media Broswer.  I'm pretty sure it might never be supported due to some changes MS made.  The My Movies add-in developer said the same thing in their forum.  I'd love to see Win8.1 support but I'm not holding my breath, especially with the Media browser Theater coming.

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I just copied what was on the old forum.  I didn't want it to be forgot as Windows 8.1 is going to be released to the general public in a week or so.  And while it's unsure how microsoft is going to push it.  They will most likely push/force it sooner rather then later.   I was hoping to be able to put the text in to a text box so it had it's own scroll windows but I couldn't figure out how to.   

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I just loaded 8.1 on my Surface Pro and of course it broke MBC. Hopefully they can fix it to run on 8.1 before MS pushes out the update and makes it mandatory as my HTPC is running 8 right now or they release MBT. I don't want to have to go back to 7 as I just got my HTPC to where it's working as I want.

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I just loaded 8.1 on my Surface Pro and of course it broke MBC. Hopefully they can fix it to run on 8.1 before MS pushes out the update and makes it mandatory as my HTPC is running 8 right now or they release MBT. I don't want to have to go back to 7 as I just got my HTPC to where it's working as I want.

It was my understanding that 8.1 will be obtained through the Windows Store, not as a forced update. Last I heard, support for 8.0 was going to be for two years, unless something has changed in the past month on that.

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Windows 8 only has a year left (it's a year old already) so within the next 12 months or so it will be required to move to 8.1 from what I heard in the last couple of weeks. I had read it somewhere and then heard it on Windows Weekly.

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Windows 8 only has a year left (it's a year old already) so within the next 12 months or so it will be required to move to 8.1 from what I heard in the last couple of weeks. I had read it somewhere and then heard it on Windows Weekly.

"Windows 8 customers will have two years to move to Windows 8.1 after the General Availability of the Windows 8.1 update to continue to remain supported under Windows 8 lifecycle. With the availability of Windows 8.1 Enterprise Preview, it is time to start planning your deployment - and there are deployment tools and guidance available to help make these updates seamless for customers," Microsoft stated in an official blog post.




edited to add: and here's the MS blog post: http://blogs.windows.com/windows/b/business/archive/2013/07/30/windows-8-1-enterprise-preview-now-available.aspx

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I'm not sure if this will help matters, but MS is pushing out 'GA Rollup A' shortly which contains a whole lot of small bug fixes for the current RTM version.  Among the listed programs affected is Media Center.


I haven't seen a more detailed description of the fixes, so I don't know if this will help with the issues at hand, but it does at least show that MS is still working on bug fixes.  Once the update is actually out to download, we can see if it helps.

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i just expres my opinion you can do what you guys please, we are all big boys here and have the knowledge to relize what a alpha and beta mean

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