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Problem in season display on iphone


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Iphone 8plus ios 13.3.1 emby app 1.9.3

On going from Library - Series - Season

On entering Season, display suddenly stretches horizontally and cuts off at the left.

Please see attached screenprint.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I just wanted to add one more related problem to this and the other post about this issue. After viewing certain episodes, the "back" button along with the chromecast and profile buttons display too far to the top of the screen. As shown in the screenshot below, the buttons appear almost on top of the iphone's time display and wifi/battery display. I am viewing on an iphone x, so this is on either side of the indentation where the speaker and camera sits. Also, it's worth noting that I cannot interact with these buttons as displayed, I have to tap where they "should" be displayed (rough approximation but below the indentation) in order to interact. Thanks.

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Just to add to this, when can we expect the next update to be pushed to the app store?


Thanks in advance

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