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Bad copies and corrupt video


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Surely it’s happened to all of us. The family sits down to watch something and it is unwatchable. It freezes or has a line through it or something. I use to try and skim content to make sure it was good. But as the library grows and grows there is to much to go through.


I wish there was a media checker that could spot check your media for quality or bad files. Does such a thing exist. I have found that none of my problems are new and many have solutions. I just don’t know what the tools to fix them are called.


Any tools that comb or filter media?


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Used a script that used ffmpeg to remove all non English audio tracks. That errored on any files with issues. Server ran at 100% for several weeks while it ran through my (large) library though

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Those options are a little over my head and will take some time to decider but seem doable. I knew there had to be people doing it. It would make a cool plug in tailored for Emby.

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