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Display options for videos


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I don't know where to post suggestions or ideas or vote for them but I am migrating from  Kodi to Emby and there are a few deficiencies that I see (at least in my opinion) in Emby that could be easily fixed.  Specifically when displaying videos.


1. Mixed Content Folders:


This folder should have the option to display the content as a list.  90% of the screen is wasted by displaying pretty colorful boxes that don't mean a thing.  The names of the files are typically too long to display completely.  It would be nice to just have a simple list of files (DIR or ls style) including dates the files were added.


Sorting by date added is meaningless unless you can actually see the date they were added.  I like to watch the "latest" of whatever but I cannot tell which ones were added today .vs. yesterday very easily.  Especially when I want to look at the ones added in December.


2. Mark as watched


As in the case above, it would be really nice if you could walk through the list (Emby Theater or something) and simply press W on a video to toggle the watched flag for videos.


I have some other ideas too but these are a real "I wish it could do this" thing after using Kodi for so many years.


Thanks and great system!  :)




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Hi, for #1, did you try clicking the 3 dot menu above the list?


Thanks that helps but there is no date with the filename for some reason.  Any way to add that?

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