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How do premium features actually work


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I am looking to leave Plex behind for Emby. With the licensing being so different I wanted to confirm how it works. With Plex I had each of my family members with their own email that I would then make part of my home group and that that allowed them to use the premium features. With Emby being per-premium device I am unable to see an option for allowing emails I invite to the server to have access to premium or not. It’s perfectly fine for it to just be complete unlocked for all of them and have no choice. If it doesn’t unlock how do I share access to premium features or is Emby not able to do what I would need it to?


I was also wondering how the extension of premium features works. If you were to buy premium that is 25 devices then the extension of 45 devices is it a total of 45 devices or a total of 70 devices?

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Hi, just answering the first question ...


When you unlock Premium for your server, every single user you add (own email address accounts for 'Emby Connect') will be able to make use of all the premium features - there are no additional fee's or charges for your clients as long as you maintain a Premium license on your server.

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Hi.  I believe we answered your email to billing support but the answer to your second question is that the licenses do not "add" together.  They are for their face value.



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