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How to refresh an IMDB ratin (the one with the star)? Library scan and refreshinh metadata does not work.


Hi, what does "does not work" mean?


We don't pull data from Imdb. It's not a free and open data service. We use MovieDb and Omdb.


I thought that the star rating is based on IMDB. How do I refresh that?


For new series when they are added to the library it seems that the star represents the same value as it is on the IMDB website. But after some time, when more people see the series or a movie it goes up or down but I haven't noticed it changing in Emby library.




If you have Omdb enabled, it comes from Omdb, otherwise MovieDb.


As for the given example, Dracula had 8,3 on IMDB at the moment I added it to the library. Right now it has 79% on MovieDB and is not yet available on OMDB. But even if it was I believe that only rating in OMDB comes from IMDB itself (as I compated some other examples). How to go about trying to refresh that? 


Click the 3-dot More menu -> refresh metadata. In your screenshot the 3-dot menu is not there. Only administrators can see that.


I hide that witth custom CSS. I refreshed all metadata for that series but the result is the same, it stays at 8,3.


Did you check the library settings for your Movie library to see what metadata providers are enabled?


All 3 for the TV Series in that orderL


2. MovieDB



OMDB still returns 8.3 even though IMDB now reports it a 7.0.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><root response="True"><movie title="Dracula" year="2020–" rated="N/A" released="04 Jan 2020" runtime="270 min" genre="Drama, Horror" director="N/A" writer="N/A" actors="Claes Bang, Dolly Wells, John Heffernan, Joanna Scanlan" plot="In 1897 Transylvania, the blood-drinking Count draws his plans against Victorian London." language="English" country="UK" awards="N/A" poster="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNTBmNzM4ZGMtMTE3OC00Mjc4LWE3OGEtYzA3ZmQ1MGJkNjMyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk3ODk4OQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg"metascore="N/A" imdbRating="8.3" imdbVotes="431" imdbID="tt9139220" type="series"/></root>


I have no idea how often the update their information.

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