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Trailers show in Movie Library


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This may have been asked and answered already, but I couldn't find the answer anywhere:

I've been running Emby server on Windows for years, and just recently switched my server to an Ubuntu 18.04 LTS desktop.  I have always had local trailers saved in the following format on my NAS: \\movie title\trailers\trailer.mkv. Now, every single local trailer is showing up in my MOVIES library with the title: Trailer.  If I go back to my Windows 10 based server, everything appears as normal.  Being new to Linux OS, I'm probably missing something simple, but if anyone has any ideas, or can point me towards the fix, I'd be grateful. 

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Seems Emby is putting a trailer.nfo file in the trailers folder, and downloading some bogus cover art.  Not sure why it's doing that....


I'll follow up with the library settings in a bit.

Edited by apmcgrath
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My movie library settings are (if it's not listed, I didn't select it:


Media type: movies

Date added behavior for new content: Use file creation date

Embedded track title display: Generate user friendly titles using track information

Enable external content in suggestions


  smb://mybookliveduo/public/shared videos/movies

Enable real time monitoring

Movie metadata downloader: TheMovieDb

Automatically refresh metadata every 60 days

Metadata savers: Nfo

Movie fetchers: TheMovieDb, FanArt, Screen Grabber

Save artwork into media folders

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@@apmcgrath there might be an issue with our use of the smb protocol. We'll take a look at this.


What I would suggest that will give you a better experience is to instead mount the smb path to a local share using the mounting built into the OS. Then add the local share path into Emby instead of the smb path. This will require re-scanning the library but you should have a better experience when doing it this way.


Please let us know if this helps. Thanks.

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