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Blur background when dialog appears


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Add this code to the index.html between script tags.

  var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
                    try {
                        var backgroundContainer = document.querySelector('.dialogBackdropOpened');
                        var drawer = document.querySelector('.mainDrawer');
                        var mainAnimatedPages = document.querySelector('.mainAnimatedPages');
                        var skinHeader = document.querySelector('.skinHeader');
                        if (document.querySelector('.dialogBackdropOpened')) {
                            backgroundContainer.style.opacity = 0;
                            drawer.style.filter = "blur(8px)";
                            mainAnimatedPages.style.filter = "blur(8px)"
                            skinHeader.style.filter = "blur(8px)"
                        } else {

                            drawer.style.filter = "blur(0)";
                            mainAnimatedPages.style.filter = "blur(0)"
                            skinHeader.style.filter = "blur(0)"

                    } catch (err) {}
                observer.observe(document, {
                    childList: true,
                    subtree: true,
                    attributes: true,
                    attributeOldValue: true
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Thank you for this. If it isn't too much effort, could you also show a guide on how to do the smooth scrolling/loading that you have as well?

Edited by Deathly
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This looks really nice!  So this _has_ to be added to the index.html file, as opposed to 'Custom CSS'?  I ask as I figure this modification would be lost on an upgrade.

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This looks really nice! So this _has_ to be added to the index.html file, as opposed to 'Custom CSS'? I ask as I figure this modification would be lost on an upgrade.

Thanks @@riothamus

Yes, keep a back up. Currently there isn't a away to load js for the entire server and keep it during updates.


The css wouldn't know when a dialog was present on the screen, we have to use mutation observer for that.


I keep a back up of my script tags, then when the server updated, I just copy paste the script tags back into the index.

Edited by chef
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Sorry I wasn't very specific, I was talking about the script that fades/pops in the cards as they are scrolled into the viewport. If you could post a snippet to that I'd appreciate it.


I'd like to make some of my own modifications but I honestly don't have the time nor enough knowledge of vanilla frontend JS to make it happen :(

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Sorry I wasn't very specific, I was talking about the script that fades/pops in the cards as they are scrolled into the viewport. If you could post a snippet to that I'd appreciate it.


I'd like to make some of my own modifications but I honestly don't have the time nor enough knowledge of vanilla frontend JS to make it happen :(




We'll use the custom CSS as well as some javascript trickery :)


isDashboardPage (Only apply styles etc if the element is in a dashboard Page or not):

               function isDashboardPage(elem) {
                    if (!Element.prototype.matches) {
                        Element.prototype.matches =
                            Element.prototype.matchesSelector ||
                            Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
                            Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
                            Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector ||
                            Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector ||
                            function(s) {
                                var matches = (this.document || this.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(s),
                                    i = matches.length;
                                while (--i >= 0 && matches.item(i) !== this) {}
                                return i > -1;

                    // Get the closest matching element - if the elements parent is one of these, then it is a dashboard page - do what you will.
                    for (; elem && elem !== document; elem = elem.parentNode) {
                        if (elem.matches("#dashboardPage") ||
                            elem.matches('#dashboardGeneralPage') ||
                            elem.matches('#userProfilesPage') ||
                            elem.matches('.metadataConfigurationPage') ||
                            elem.matches('#liveTvStatusPage') ||
                            elem.matches('#pluginsPage') ||
                            elem.matches('.type-interior') ||
                            elem.matches('#dashboardHostingPage')) return true; //There are more pages than this, but its a start.
                    return false;
                }; //Note:Yes we are traversing the DOM backwards all the way to the top... so load times are affected... minimally.


Fade movie/TV posters in once they are within the viewport:


Movie Poster Card Intersection Observer:

               const options = {
                    root: null,
                    threshold: 0,
                    rootMargin: "-150px 0px -150px 0px" //We should render card data when they are minus 150 pxs  into the view-port

                const cardScalableObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, cardScalableObserver) => {
                    entries.forEach(entry => {

                        if (!entry.isIntersecting) {

                        } else {

                            if (entry.target.parentElement.classList.contains('focuscontainer-down')) {

                                requestAnimationFrame(() => {

                            } else {

                                requestAnimationFrame(() => {
                            //Ignore elements after they have appeared on screen

                }, options);

Now that we have the intersection observer set up, we'll select the elements to observer:

(Note: you need the mutation.js installed... do you have this file?)

                var x = window.matchMedia("(min-width: 700px)") //Only do this on large screens because doing this on mobile/tablets is not a good idea
                if (x.matches) {

                    ready('.cardScalable', function(element) { //'ready' is our mutation observer from 'mutation.js - do you have this file??
                         if (isDashboardPage(element)) { //Don't apply animations if we're working in the dashboard that's annoying
                        if (element.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.classList.contains('focuscontainer-down')) { //There is no finesse here: parent -> parent -> parent - could be better code.
                            element.parentElement.parentElement.style.willChange = "opacity"
                        } else {
                            element.parentElement.parentElement.style.willChange = "opacity"


                        element.style.transition = 'ease';


Now, over to Custom CSS:


Create styles "fade-inX", "fade-inY",  "appearX" and "appearY".



We apply the class "fade-inX" and "fade-inY" to all movie/tv cards in the DOM, because they are going to "fade-in"  ;)


Then the intersection observer adds the  'appearX' and 'appearY' classes when they scroll into view.


This needs to be copied into Custom CSS (Dashboard > Settings):

.fade-inX {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 950ms ease !important;
    -ms-transition: opacity 950ms ease !important;

.fade-inY {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 950ms ease !important;
    -ms-transition: opacity 950ms ease !important;

.fade-inX.appearX {
    opacity: 1 !important;

.fade-inY.appearY {
    opacity: 1 !important;

let me know how you get along with everything. :)

Edited by chef
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