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Notification plugin is not recognized by Emby server


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Hi all,


I am creating a new notification plugin using sms service, my base for this plugin is Pushbullet notification plugin.


After upload dll with my plugin can't see it in my Emby server notification menu option, also can see plugin thumb in installed plugins view.


First question: Are there any restricion for plugin thumb? Size, format etc? Currently can't make it work, some code:

I am using this image for thumb: https://imgur.com/BLRBqqY

public Stream GetThumbImage()
            var type = GetType();
            return type.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type.Namespace + ".thumb.png");

        public ImageFormat ThumbImageFormat
                return ImageFormat.Png;
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


   <None Remove="thumb.png" />

   <EmbeddedResource Include="thumb.png" />

    <PackageReference Include="mediabrowser.server.core" Version="" />


Second question: How to make my plugin enabled for notification? So far I don't use any configuration html file so I hardcoded all values:

public class PluginConfiguration : BasePluginConfiguration
        public SmsOptions[] Options { get; set; }

        public PluginConfiguration()
            Options = new SmsOptions[] { };

    public class SmsOptions
        public bool Enabled { get; }
        public string PhoneNumber { get; }
        public string ApiKey { get; }
        public string MediaBrowserUserId { get; }

        public SmsOptions()
            Enabled = true;
            PhoneNumber = "*************";
            ApiKey = "****************";
            MediaBrowserUserId = "d77dc6f472964727831b8e81c15025da";    //My user Id in Emby server

I think the problem is in this line but dont know why (can't attach debugger because I use docker container on another machine):

        private static SmsOptions GetOptions(User user)
            return Plugin.Instance.Configuration.Options
                .FirstOrDefault(i => string.Equals(i.MediaBrowserUserId, user.Id.ToString("N"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));


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Make sure you're using a nuget version that is equal or less than the version of the server you are testing with.

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Someone will have to dig through your code to find out what is wrong. Perhaps @@chef can help with that. Please do us a favor though and copy exactly from existing plugins.

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god damn it I figured it out.


Why the newest version of nuget package server.core is not marked as beta!?

Current stable version emby server is so please mark proper version of nuget server.core as stable (last: 4.2.40)

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It was inadvertently pushed as non-beta. You can always double check this by comparing the version numbers as I mentioned above.

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httpRequest.SetPostData metod accept only Dictionary<string, string>


how to send json like this?:

    "messages": [
            "channel": "sms",
            "to": "+111111111",
            "content": "Test SMS Message Text"

Tried serialaize json after escaping using IJsonSerializer but it can;t handle it:

var json = "{\"messages\": [{\"channel\": \"sms\",\"to\": \"+11111111\",\"content\": \"Test SMS Message Text\"}]}";
var parameters = _json.DeserializeFromString<Dictionary<string, string>>(json);
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