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Emby not playing .m3u channels


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Hi there, 


New to emby, migrating from plex. 


I have 2 iptv services, previously been playing them through kodi players. 

Both services work fine on kodi and vlc. 


One of these is not working in emby. I can add the tuner fine and it will display the channels but not play them. 
I've tried on 2 different (windows) computers and one Android client. 


The original link from the provider is in the form 



which provides an m3u8 style data. 


This works fine in Emby Live TV, I've also tried simply using wget to save the m3u8 info to a file and provide that to Emby with the same results. 


The contents of that file/link is: 

#EXTM3U url-tvg="http://<site>/epg.xml.gz" tvg-shift=-2 dlna_extras=mpeg_ts_sd#EXTINF:0 tvg-name="Первый канал" tvg-logo="http://<site>/icon_cache/perviy_1_kanal.png" group-title="Общие",Первый Канал
#EXTINF:0 tvg-name="Первый HD" tvg-logo="http://<site>/icon_cache/perviy_1_kanal.png" group-title="Общие",Первый Канал HD
#EXTINF:0 tvg-name="Первый канал. (Европа)" tvg-logo="http://<site>/icon_cache/perviy_1_kanal.png" group-title="Общие",Первый Канал Европа
#EXTINF:0 tvg-name="Первый Канал +2" tvg-logo="http://<site>/icon_cache/perviy_1_kanal.png" group-title="Общие",Первый Канал +2

and each channel link contains generally something like: 

When I try to play one of the channels the client will display the timer/revolving orb indicating it's working, after 1-2 minutes display the playback window (with stop, rewind etc. at bottom) but never actually start playback. 
The embyserver log file is attached where the following error occurs: 

2019-10-14 11:24:53.624 Error MediaEncoder: ProcessRun 'ffprobe' Error Output:
ffprobe version 4.0.3-emby_2019_04_09 Copyright (c) 2007-2018 the FFmpeg developers and softworkz for Emby LLC
  built with gcc 8.3.0 (crosstool-NG 1.24.0)
2019-10-14 11:24:53.627 Error MediaSourceManager: Error probing live tv stream
*** Error Report ***
Command line: /opt/emby-server/system/EmbyServer.dll -programdata /var/lib/emby -ffdetect /opt/emby-server/bin/ffdetect -ffmpeg /opt/emby-server/bin/ffmpeg -ffprobe /opt/emby-server/bin/ffprobe -restartexitcode 3 -updatepackage emby-server-deb_{version}_amd64.deb
Operating system: Unix
64-Bit OS: True
64-Bit Process: True
User Interactive: True
Runtime: file:///opt/emby-server/system/System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Processor count: 4
Program data path: /var/lib/emby
Application directory: /opt/emby-server/system
System.Exception: System.Exception: Error running ffprobe for "" - 
   at Emby.Server.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager.AddMediaInfoWithProbe(MediaSourceInfo mediaSource, Boolean isAudio, ReadOnlyMemory`1 cacheKey, Boolean addProbeDelay, Boolean isLiveStream, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
   at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.MediaSourceManager.OpenLiveStreamInternal(LiveStreamRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Source: Emby.Server.MediaEncoding
TargetSite: Void MoveNext()
Please advice.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there, can you please attach the complete emby server log as this was only a snippet. Additionally if there was an ffmpeg log, please attach that too. Thanks.

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Here are the tarred and gzipped logs, including ffmpeg logs. 
I turned on debugging, shut down server, removed logs, started server and tried 3x times to play back a stream. 
This was 1x by W10 via Chrome, 1x by W10 with Emby app and once by android device with emby app. 
All on the same network. 
No other activity going to emby at that time. 
The logs contain altered URL's for the provider. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks @@Luke, I'm quite willing to give it a try. Let me know if there are specific steps to it, will look at emby site to see if the beta is available there. 




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tried with but now I am getting playback error quite fast, at least not hanging as before. 

Will send in detailed report tomorrow. 





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Here are the logs, no ffmpeg error logs this time. 
The client hangs this time, different from yesterday somehow. 

Debug logging is turned on, but still didn't get ffmpeg logs, restarted several times. 
Let me know if there is any way to trigger ffmepg logs. 


This is beta





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It looks like it never even tried to open the channel. Can you try refreshing the guide data first by running the scheduled task, then try again? Thanks.

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The M3U tuner is defined with the url from the provider. Max 1 or 2 streams. 

I did refresh the guide data within the live tv section. 

I tried now refreshing the guide data from the scheduled task section, no change. 

I now removed the tuner, readdedd and waited for guide data to refresh, and now I am getting a playback error and ffmpeg logs. 

This is in forum3.tar.gz


I then upgraded to version and did the same. Same error, this is in forum4.tar.gz. 



best regards, 




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Are you sure the server logs are correct? The activity from the ffmpeg logs you provided does not appear in either of the server logs, which suggests it's not the right server log.


But now things have changed, it's actually trying to play, so once we have the correct server log we should be able to see what happened.

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I'm pretty sure these are the right logs, I tried this again though, lets see if this makes any sense this time. 


I'm stopping the server with 'systemctl stop emby-server.service', removing all logs in '/var/lib/emby/logs', and then 

starting the server with 'systemctl start emby-server.service'. In between checking if logs reappear...


I go into the admin IF and click on the refresh guide data button, I'm now waiting for the logs to indicate it's finished, 

it seems that the admin IF indicates that the refresh is finished when the logs indicate it's still ongoing. Previously 

I would start playing a channel when the admin IF indicated the refresh was finished and the client would just hang 

without any errors. Now I wait for the logs to state it's finished before attempting playback. Then the client get's a 

playback error. 


There are three ffmpeg error logs, but I am only attempting playback of 1 channel once... I stop the server before collecting 

the logs and tarring them. So the logs should only contain one web client attempting playback of one channel...


Let me know if this is satisfactory or how I can do this differently. 






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The service provider would disable it if the service was used from another place, and my wife would be furious ;-)


Let me see what I can do, travelling today

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  • 2 weeks later...

Following up on this, haven't heard of the link I sent was useful @@Luke
I installed version which didnt change anything. 

Let me know if further debugging is helpful. 





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I'm also experiencing some out-of-character IPTV issues as of late.

None of my channels will play. They have all the EPG info, the service works on any other platform, but in emby the loading icon is the only thing that plays.


*My specific issue was not emby related. Please disregard.

Edited by atomicmoon
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Ok so this was an easy fix and will be resolved for the next release (and beta update).


But - if you can configure your live tv provider for ts output you'll likely have a better experience.

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