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Include playlists and collections in "Next Up"

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I hit "play all" on a collection and it doesn't show the next film in "Next Up" after I quit out of it. This is apparently intended behaviour, and the same applies to playlists.


This is absurd. Why even have the "play all" option? Who's sitting down to watch a full collection's worth of films, or a full playlist? I have playlists for The Prisoner for its various episode orders, and there's no way I'm getting through them in one sitting. I was going to make that my next show to watch but if I'm going to have to keep track manually of my progress through the playlist it makes the playlist fairly pointless TBH.


There's no reason playlists or collections shouldn't show up in Next Up.

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  • 1 month later...

Any chance of this being looked at?


I can't imagine it'd be that complicated to introduce. Is there anything on the back end that could cause issues with this?

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We are actively monitoring this request for community feedback. Thanks.


That doesn't actually mean anything.


It's a big project with many users and many feature requests from those users. Requests that get lots of support from many users, especially when they've been around a while (the requests and the users), take priority over month-old requests from a single user.


It can be frustrating, but patience is a virtue. :)


That said,

I support the idea. It could be nice to be able to resume a playlist/collection, maybe have the whole playlist display as a single item in 'next up' similar to how youtube displays playlists alongside videos just with an overlay showing the item count.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm surely not the only one for whom this would be helpful?

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If this gets enough support, it is possible as an option.  I doubt most people want all of their playlilsts showing up in Next Up however so I imagine it would be a bit tricky as you'd probably have to indicate each individual one.


What else would people use playlists for? As I said in the OP, I'd like to be able to go through The Prisoner in its various episode orders but I'm not going to sit down and watch the whole series in one go.


There are already requests out there to manually remove things from Next Up, so that seems to be an issue for some anyway.


We are monitoring the topic for support but I have a ton of playlists for just being able to pull up certain content and shuffle it etc.  They are not necessarily sequential watch lists that people want to always track and have in their face.


Audio playlists for sure would need to be excluded but then it isn't always possible to know that a playlist is exclusively audio.


It would just be a lot more complicated than  you are imagining, I think.


The ability to manually remove Next Up items would resolve that anyway, as would not putting things in Next Up when they're shuffled.


I have several TV shows I like to shuffle just to kill time, where it doesn't matter what order you watch in - Blackadder, Yes Minister, Bullshit!, Police Squad, QI, etc. They're constantly in my Next Up even though it doesn't really make any sense for them to be there.


I just have those shows as favourites and they are now very quickly accessible and shuffleable already


Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk

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Not sure how that has anything to do with the discussion.


Think harder. It’s an alternative way of getting exactly what you want without polluting the up next row

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  • 1 year later...

Playlists in the new "Continue Watching" row do not interest me too much, but the collections are, for example if I just watch the movie Toy Story, it is not unreasonable that Toy Story 2 is in the new row "Continue Watching".

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  • 3 months later...

I tossed a couple of seasons of some shows together in a playlist and sorted them to play in episode order. I.e. S01E01 Show X, S01E01 Show Y, and so on.
Everything is going fine until I return later to resume where I had left off. The episode was on the "Continue Watching" deck, but once the episode ended, it continued to play the concurrent episode in the season, not from my playlist. 

I know by default, Emby is designed to play chronological ordering, but in the instances of curated playlists, I think an option to resume the playlist would be a welcomed feature.


Thanks for any consideration!

  • 6 months later...

I would also be very happy if the topic would be treated once.
Dürfte with security some give, for which that is interesting. Especially with collections...

  • Like 1

I would like this for my video Playlists such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe one where movies and TV series episodes are in chronological order and is very long so a way to track where I'm at when replaying would be very helpful.  

  • Like 3
11 hours ago, FrostByte said:

I would like this for my video Playlists such as the Marvel Cinematic Universe one where movies and TV series episodes are in chronological order and is very long so a way to track where I'm at when replaying would be very helpful.  

Same question as in the other discussion.  Under exactly what circumstance would you want to have that playlist show up?  Certainly, if you watch movie X you wouldn't want any playlist containing that movie to then appear in your Continue Watching row would you?

50 minutes ago, ebr said:

Same question as in the other discussion.  Under exactly what circumstance would you want to have that playlist show up?  Certainly, if you watch movie X you wouldn't want any playlist containing that movie to then appear in your Continue Watching row would you?

Sure I can give you some examples for both video and music playlists being added to a Next Up which I think are kind of related from a user perspective

Video Playlist Next Up:

I would want the next movie or show after movie/show X in the playlist to be displayed in a Next up.   Just like the next episode in a series shows up after you watch episode X. 

So Emby would index the Playlist to know where you're at in order to know which is next movie/Show.  

  • IF Item #X in Playlist is complete then add Item #X +1 to Next Up

Right now my MCU playlist is 100+ items long between the shows which are cannon and the movies so there is no way I could possibly binge watch all of that.  This would allow me to watch them in order and track where I'm at when I can get back to it.

I do realize with video I could go mark all 100+ combined shows and episodes as unplayed and then return to the playlist scrolling down 100+ items in order to find the Next Up.  However, that's a lot of videos to change the play status and scroll down through and the list is getting bigger and bigger as Disney keeps pumping these out.

Music Playlist Next Up:

I could also use something like this with a music playlist or album. 

I have some huge music playlists that I shuffle on my own using a PowerShell script so that I can just hit play and listen to music all day.  If Emby could remember where I left off in the music playlist then technically I would never hear the same song for 1000+ items which could be a week sometimes.


Here's an example using a music album which is sort of a playlist by itself, but doesn't have a way to track where you're at either.

This music boxset is 100 discs and 1,455 items long.  I would like to listen to the whole Beethoven Works without having to remember where I left off and then scroll 1000+ items to resume playing.  It takes a very long time to scroll through 1400+ items btw.




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1 minute ago, FrostByte said:

I would want the next movie or show after movie/show X in the playlist to be displayed in a Next up.   Just like the next episode in a series shows up after you watch episode X.

So you are saying even if you went to movie X individually and played it, you would expect every playlist you have that contains that movie to now appear in Continue Watching?

Again, my question was specifically at under exactly what playback scenario would you want that.  I don't think the above scenario is likely to be very useful for many people.

What would make more sense (but we currently don't have the contextual data to do so it would have to be added) is if you played playlist Y and stopped it part way through then playlist Y would show up in Continue Watching - not every playlist that contains the last movie you stopped.  But then it gets complicated because what if you stopped half way through movie X in playlist Y.  Does both movie X and playlist Y show up now??

Posted (edited)

No I would not expect every playlist that movie is contained in to show up.  It would have to know which Playlist I was listening to or watching also.

Maybe I'm using the wrong term.  Maybe Continue Watching or Continue Listening is more appropriate for a Playlist?   However, it's what the OP used when starting this topic.

Edited by FrostByte
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  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

I think this would be a useful feature - in particular with series that do not air things in order / air sequels as specials or as not the original media type. For example Steven Universe is a TV series with a sequel that is a Movie. Another one is with Anime where the same (or opposite) is true.

I was also recently made aware that Star Wars (which I haven't been keeping up with, please don't judge) has 1 (or more?) TV series as of late.


Perhaps a dedicated "Continue watching <playlist>" instead? For example "Continue watching Steven Universe Playlist".

Edited by blei
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5 hours ago, blei said:


I was also recently made aware that Star Wars (which I haven't been keeping up with, please don't judge) has 1 (or more?) TV series as of late.


A playlist is great for Star Wars and Marvel to keep all the Movies/Shows in chronological order.   Once you throw them all together you almost need a continue watching for the whole playlist because there is no way you're watching them all in one sitting.

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