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Watched status doesnt change until backed out to top level


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If I drill into a show to a specific episode and then click on the watched button to change the status, you cant tell the status changed because the icon when highlighted is the same whether its watched or not. Can there be a different icon for watched & highlighted vs unwatched & highlighted?


Also, if I then back out one level to the season folder it isn't updated and still shows that episode with the previous watched status. To see that it is updated you either have to back out of the episode view and then go back into it or back out all the way to the series view. Would be nice if the watched status is toggled and the server reports success to go ahead and update the information for that season/series on the apple TV.


Not sure how the apple TV talks to the server, if it just uses an api to communicate, and if it can receive a payload back... if so, could include the updated info in the payload?

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The issue with the button is just how Apple highlights these elements when in focus.  You cannot see that the color has changed.  This isn't anything new.


As for the previous screen updating, this only happens if you manually mark watched, correct?

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Correct, only when manually updating the watched status. 


Occassionally someone in the family will watch a show under the wrong account and I'll have to go in and fix the watched status so I can keep track of where I'm at, but since it doesn't update the UI until you back out it can be easy to lose my place. Not a deal breaker type bug but just something I noticed and wanted to open a bug in case it hadn't been noticed.

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