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Microsoft And GitHUb, now what? The Future of Emby.


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What is this 2001? I believe Microsoft has shown a huge improvement with customer satisfaction over the years. They are not the same company that had the bad wrap back at the beginning of the millennium.


Here are my top reason for being a fan boy:


1. GitHub stayed the same

2. Windows 10 was freaking free!

3. Visual studio 2017 Community was freaking free!

3. Visual studio Code is freaking free!

4. Machine learning .net is freaking free!

5. Azure machine learning and cognitive sense API's are... Almost... freaking free!

6. They realized their Cortona assistant app was failing and started a partner ship with Amazon to use the Alexa assistant on their devices.

7. Customer services for azure is immediate, and the account is...Free!

8. They allow 3rd party code analysts to take apart the Xbox SmartGlass app, and post their findings and controller libraries freely on... You guest it: GitHub!


I'm just a huge fanboy, you'll have to forgive me...

Don't forget that they were the largest contributor of code to GitHub projects too. That seems relevant.


Definitely a different company from years past. I agree.

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Microsoft only wishes it could have engaged in the level of villainy that Google now gets away with ... yet they're still the darlings of the internet.



Such as?


Yes, they act like a big company... because they are.

Edited by BAlGaInTl
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We still have a TON of open source code on Github.  So far, no changes that would make us need to use something else have occurred.

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Guys, stop feeding the troll ffs. It's clear they're not going to change their mind and are just after an argument.


If you don't like it, don't use it.


And by the way, all this mistrust of Microsoft hosting GitHub repos, when they're actually stored on AWS :lol:

Edited by notla49285
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Ridiculous question. You have any more info on the shield cropped hdr issue OP? [emoji23]

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