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I presently have 3 collections for Clint Eastwood Movies, They are "Clint Eastwood-Dirty Harry", "Clint Eastwood-Westerns" and "Clint Eastwood-Philo and Clyde". I would like to be able to create one collection for Clint Eastwood and under that collection would be the three collections above.


I thought there was something mentioned in the forum that made the above possible but can't seem to find it.


This is NOT a feature request rather a "how to" if it is possible.




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Sure, you add collections to collections the same way you add movies to collections.  even if you are grouping movies into collections though, the result will be 4 collections to scroll through, not 1.


I tried that yesterday and found just like you that now you have 4 collections with three under the main collection and they all show in the collection list. I thought I could be clever and move the sub collections into another folder, "Collections-sub" at the same level as the collection folder. Edited the Main Collection XML to point to the collection folders in "Collections-sub".


Unfortunately none of the collections showed.


Then I created a Subs direction under the Collection folder and move the sub collections into that one and edited the XML. the main collection showed with the three underneath it but they also appeared in the main collection listing.


You were correction you can but you get more than you want.




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