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Emby vs Plex UI


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I have been moving to Emby from Plex and have purchased Emby Premiere.  I like the UI of Emby better plus the Live TV works better for OTA + SD PTV.


A big reason for my switching to Emby is the UI and all the customizations available.  My question is related to the Movies Section which is what I use most.


PLEX:   Movies have these Tabs:  "Recent Added" and "Uwatched"   (other tabs as well but these are the ones I am interested in and my main question).


EMBY:  Movies have these Tabs:  All  Suggestions  Trailers  Collections  Favorites  Genres  Search


Notice on Emby there is neither of these 2 selections that I use a lot in Plex.  But I do like the other tabs.  And the Latest Movies in a couple places are helpful but limited.


1.  I changed the All to sort by Date Added Descending which works pretty good for the missing "Recent Added" Tab.  However, I then loose the normal sort my name unless I manually change it.  However, it does include the Watched unless I say somewhere in the setting so not exclude them.  However, for Latest or Recent Added I like seeing those that I have watch as well.


2.  Unwatched is maybe the main missing tab for my usage.  I normally set all of my movies to initially watched.  Then as I add a new movie it shows up under Recently Added and Unwatched.  If I watch it or do not want to watch it I change it to watched so it leaves my Unwatched section.  A workaround could be to put all new moves in Favorites and then if I do not want to watch it I can remove it from Favorites.  However, this then removes the value of Favorites.


My question is, am I missing some kind of customization in the Movies View that would give me what I had before?  You may be thinking why do I put movies in that I don't want to watch.  That is because it is not just for me.  Others use the same library and have their own usage needs.


On a side note.  It seems I have more missing art work than I had with Plex.  Granted I am importing hundreds of movies (maybe 500 or so - maybe there is a total count somewhere) and maybe I had more missing in PLEX along the way that I do not remember.  So, I have been manually doing the Identify on those that are missing and I find them.  Maybe a naming issue with my files but Plex seems to have found them.  Not a big deal since a one time thing but thought I would mention it in case I am doing something wrong.  I am thinking about 10% missing or wrong.

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yes, there are a couple of settings which might solve your issues :)

I will show you some screenshots ;)

"Latest movies" in the Main Page from my profile



The last option in the Settings Dialog is to Hide the content with "watched" status from the latest media.

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the issue with identifying your media, is most probably related to the file names or to your folder structure, for these files.
If you could show an example, and the file / folder names for that movie, we could try to identify the root cause.

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Thanks @@CChris.  I have the Latest Movies on the Home Page and it is in suggestions.  And I remove the hide "watched".  That is working well except it only show last 16 (I believe).


I am mainly talking about the "Movies" page.  Where I change All to show Date Added in Descending Seq.  If I have a TAB on that page that said "Latest Movies" (or something like that) then I could have 2 sort seq for my moves.  The ALL for name order and the Latest Movies for the other instead of have to change the sort filters.  This is working ok with changing All for the default.


But mainly it is the "Unwatched",  That one seems to require a change to not sure watch in the Latest Movies.  I want Latest Movies to be all the Latest Movies and have a different TAB for the Unwatched movies.


After using this for a bit it is not really a big deal.  I can adjust.  But since there seems to be a lot of custom settings I was wondering if there was a "user tab" definition and tab order that I am missing.  Like on the home page.


I will need to review the file names for the movies that are causing the problem.  But if I have to rename them then I might as well do the "Identify" for the limited amount that have the problem.

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in the main movie page, you can use the filter to filter the media for only watched or unwatched content ;)


Edited by CChris
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in the main movie page, you can use the filter to filter the media for only watched or unwatched content ;)


Right.  Like I said it is doable.  But not as "fast" as having a TAB to switch.  Think if the Favorites TAB was not on the TAB bar.  You can get the Favorites by using the Filter as well.  But of course not as nice as having a TAB.  I think a future feature would be the option to set which TAB's are across the top kind of like what is on the Home Page.  That way customers can customize what they want on the TAB Bar.


Anyway, I like what is there better than in Plex overall.  I will need to simply adjust.

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I think, if you have your favorite filter settings or view, this will not change on a daily base.
Therefore I am not sure, if you really need a seperate tab.

In this case, you could just argue for hundreds of different settings you might need as a tab :)

I am happy with the view as it is right now.
All Movies ordered by name - with easy to see which ones I have already watched... and if I need to filter, it is done with just a few clicks.

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I think, if you have your favorite filter settings or view, this will not change on a daily base.

Therefore I am not sure, if you really need a seperate tab.


In this case, you could just argue for hundreds of different settings you might need as a tab :)


I am happy with the view as it is right now.

All Movies ordered by name - with easy to see which ones I have already watched... and if I need to filter, it is done with just a few clicks.


I understand that is personal preference.  You could argue as well that there does not need to be custom Home Screen Settings as well like what you get with Plex.  As customers leave Plex (like me) and switch to Emby one of the reasons is the ability to customize the interface the way they like it.  The more difficult to navigate the less likely there is s good reason to switch.  Again, I am switching because there is more to like then to dislike.

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