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Fichiers bloqués dans la section "Reprendre"

Guest Skynet.v01

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Guest Skynet.v01



Suite à une mise à jour de mon serveur qui s'est mal passé, je suis revenu en arrière via une sauvegarde.

Depuis quelques fichiers restent bloqués dans la section "Reprendre" de la page d'accueil, qu'il aient été lus on non.

Pour ces quelques fichiers j'ai tenté plusieurs manipulations :


- Décocher / Cocher la case "lu"

- Lancer la lecture et aller à la fin

- Redémarrage de emby

- Réinstallation emby en conservant la configuration


Pour les autres fichiers pas de difficultés (ils apparaissent dans la section si non terminés mais disparaissent une fois lus).


Dans tous les cas les fichiers restent dans la section. Quelqu'un a-t-il déjà rencontré le problème ? Je suppose qu'un ou des fichiers de conf. ou de log. gèrent cette section mais je ne sais pas lequel(s).


Merci pour votre aide


Edit : j'ai tenté de supprimer et remettre un dossier d'une médiathèque mais après le scan les fichiers reviennent dans la section "Reprendre"

Edited by Skynet.v01
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He's saying that continue watching content is stuck. He's tried to mark as watched, unwatched, watching content until the end, restarting his server but the content remains under continue watching.

Edited by Angelblue05
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Guest Skynet.v01

I completely edit my post because I tested this:

- Full purge of emby
Clean installation with creation of test users
- As soon as I tag a file as read, it appears in the "Continue Watching" section of all users

Emby is installed on a RaspBerry Pi 3B+ under Raspbian 9.8 (stretch), kernel 4.19.27-v7+ and I think the problem has appeared since the update of Raspbian.

But I don't see why the problem occurs on a clean installation of emby

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Guest Skynet.v01

Some examples :

I have 3 users: user1, user2 and user3

- user1 starts to read a file: the file appears instantly in the "Continue watching" section of user1, user2 and user3
- user2 tagged a file as "Read": the file appears in the "Continue watching" section of user1, user2 and user3
- user2 deletes the tag "Read" from this same file: the file remains in the "Continue watching" section of user1, user2 and user3
- user3 starts playing a file in the "Continue watching" section until the end: the file remains in the "Continue watching" section of user1, user2 and user3

In summary as soon as a file is read (whole or not) or tagged "Read" or "Unread", it appears in the "Continue watching" section of all users without it being possible to remove it from the section

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Guest Skynet.v01

The last :


But this morning the problem has disappeared.

An update of the "raspi-copies-and-fills" package (0.10 to 0.11) seems to have corrected my problem.

And actually it posed problems also on Kodi and Plex (I send you the links in private message)

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An update of the "raspi-copies-and-fills" package (0.10 to 0.11) seems to have corrected my problem.


Thanks for the feedback !

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