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Unexpected TV episode choice presented on Roku app


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For the past few months, I'm having a weird problem that appears from time to time.

I narrowed it down to when I add a new TV episode to a season and I try to play it on the Emby for Roku app before the next library scan.


The problem is shown on the image attached to this post post-43747-0-71224800-1551896767_thumb.jpg.

As you can see, a selection is presented for the next episode of The Rookie.

If I select either one of them, the app crashes.

This behavior persists until there is an Emby library scan, automatic or manual.


I have the Windows Emby server, but I noticed this problem before the last update.

I have the Emby for Roku app 3.0.134.

I have a structure for TV shows that follows the Emby guidelines: TV/TV Show/Season 0/tv_show - 0x00 - episode.mkv


You'll find attached the emby server log embyserver.txt.

The last occurrence of the problem was around 12h45.

Please let me know if you need other logs.



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You may want to try the Emby Beta of the Roku app. This doesn't fix your issue but as soon as we do fix it we will test it with users in the Beta first. I can tell by your screenshot that isn't the Beta.


Reference: Fix #268: Which actually isn't a fix to this issue entirely. It corrects part of the issue and has conversation in the comments that address the other half of the issue you are reporting here with the crashing. We are discussing it within the #268 item on the tracker.. lol.. confusing right... so I will make a new one we can discuss this in.. Since only we see these things we can deal with it.. lol


Reference: Issue #271: Video player crashing on placeholder choices


It now has its own tracker # too. I am working on this right now as playback issues take priority. Stay tuned.

Edited by speechles
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Following up: Found the cause. Implemented a solution. It is waiting for evaluation from rest of Emby Team. This should be available in the next Emby Beta for Roku.


Reference: Fix #272: Fix crashing on placeholders


In the Beta we have corrected alot of the UI issues with display and overlays to make for a better presentation. You will be much happier. If you see any other issues please continue to diligently report them. We will be here to track them and correct them. Thanks. :)

Edited by speechles
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