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Direct Play issues after Update


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Am I missing something?



After updating, A movie that I was watching yesterday using direct play (no transcoding), now requires transcoding in order to play correctly.  I was checking stats yesterday.  After the update I had to check stats again and set a max birate in order for the movie to play without hiccup.  I've rebooted the server, and the Apple TV several times to no avail.


Video Info:



Now Transcoding:


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In the past, it as been set to auto, and upon checking the server it indicates its Direct Playing (higher bitrate blueray ripped videos and lower bitrate dvd ripped videos... doesn't matter, all played without hitch.  fast seeking was flawless). When this started, I had to dial it down to 1Mbps … occasionally 2.5Mbps will work, but seems 1Mbps is most consistant.  I tried Auto tonight after 2.5Mbps started stumbling tonight to no avail.  1Mbps seems to be working.


My phone, same movie while the Apple TV is playing at 1Mbps, my phone will Direct Play... no issue.

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so then if you lower the setting that is the reason why it is transcoding. It's not that there's an issue here, rather, you asked for a lower bitrate and the server accommodated that by transcoding the video.

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There seems to be a misunderstanding.  I only changed the setting BECAUSE it started stumbling.  That was the only way I can now watch anything.  The timing of this lines up with the new release of the AppleTV app with it's "new" embedded play that doens't rely on Apple's Player.  Apple's play was working just fine Direct Playing.  The new version of the App does not.  Which is what lead to me touching the setting to begin with, and posting the issue.

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If you click on the "i" when it is transcoding, it will tell you EXACTLY why the server is thinking this needs to be transcoded.  Odds are when you had it set to auto, the server had a miscommunication and wasn't able to get a good handshake and thought the speed of the connection between your server and the client was crap, so it transcoded.  Personally I would suggest trying it at your MAX setting in the app, and not auto.  I've had this issue with both Roku and Apple TV users where auto doesn't work for direct play, but setting it to the max bitrate on the client does.


I don't know why it happens, but it's a pain in the butt when it does, and you have to contact your user and ask them to change settings and see if it works.  Try it, and see how things go.


If you get "media bitrate exceeds bandwidth limit" when it's set on auto, that means the auto "handshake" was bad, and setting it manually to max will fix it (At least in my experience)

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I have to head out of town unexpectedly (sick family member) I will revisit this when i return next weekend.  Thank you both, I will post my results then.

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If you click on the "i" when it is transcoding, it will tell you EXACTLY why the server is thinking this needs to be transcoded.  Odds are when you had it set to auto, the server had a miscommunication and wasn't able to get a good handshake and thought the speed of the connection between your server and the client was crap, so it transcoded.  Personally I would suggest trying it at your MAX setting in the app, and not auto.  I've had this issue with both Roku and Apple TV users where auto doesn't work for direct play, but setting it to the max bitrate on the client does.


I don't know why it happens, but it's a pain in the butt when it does, and you have to contact your user and ask them to change settings and see if it works.  Try it, and see how things go.


If you get "media bitrate exceeds bandwidth limit" when it's set on auto, that means the auto "handshake" was bad, and setting it manually to max will fix it (At least in my experience)

I think you misunderstand, I have the same problems as him on a number of videos. Let me try and phrase differently. A video plays perfectly on direct play before the update. After the update, it plays terribly, stumbles, interlace lines, etc. so, in order to get it to play, set a max bitrate, and therefore it now transcodes. Now it plays fine. Does that make more sense? That's what he said, he knows it's transcoding because that's on purpose in order to make it play correctly.


We're out of town right now, with a $20 Roku, the Roku, playing remotely, on microwave internet at home (WISP), via hotel internet at 3mbps speed is way better now than the new player in the atv, locally.

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Ahem.  I will repeat myself.  When it's screwing up, click on the "i" and you will find out why.  The reason why it is stumbling is because something is wrong with the handshake and it's forcing a bitrate of 1.5 mb.  Just humour me and the next time a video screws up, look at your dashboard and click on the "i" and the server will give you the EXACT REASON it is transcoding.  I am not misunderstanding you, I am giving you a means to see exactly what message the server is getting from the client.  So please do as I ask.  If it wasn't transcoding it would only be buffering, and it would pause while it fills the queue.  So please, the next time it happens go to your server and click on the "i".  Since I have told my ATV people to go to a manual max bitrate instead of auto, everything that can direct play, does.  Prior to having them set a max manual bitrate their experience was utter garbage and everything looked like crap because it would force transcode to 1.5 mb.


Now if your server doesn't say it's transcoding, when it is screwing up, (which I will highly doubt), at that point I would suggest you let it play and capture the logs so Luke and the awesome team can look at it and figure out what is going on.  It's also possible the wireless card in your ATV might be dying, though I doubt that it's probable.  A speedtest from the ATV would easily rule that out.

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Ahem. I will repeat myself. When it's screwing up, click on the "i" and you will find out why. The reason why it is stumbling is because something is wrong with the handshake and it's forcing a bitrate of 1.5 mb. Just humour me and the next time a video screws up, look at your dashboard and click on the "i" and the server will give you the EXACT REASON it is transcoding. I am not misunderstanding you, I am giving you a means to see exactly what message the server is getting from the client. So please do as I ask. If it wasn't transcoding it would only be buffering, and it would pause while it fills the queue. So please, the next time it happens go to your server and click on the "i". Since I have told my ATV people to go to a manual max bitrate instead of auto, everything that can direct play, does. Prior to having them set a max manual bitrate their experience was utter garbage and everything looked like crap because it would force transcode to 1.5 mb.


Now if your server doesn't say it's transcoding, when it is screwing up, (which I will highly doubt), at that point I would suggest you let it play and capture the logs so Luke and the awesome team can look at it and figure out what is going on. It's also possible the wireless card in your ATV might be dying, though I doubt that it's probable. A speedtest from the ATV would easily rule that out.

I will let him reply, but, it's a problem with NO transcoding. The new atv client messes up a lot of antenna videos when it is NOT transcoding. The logs will show almost nothing for those direct played videos, already volunteered to send a sample video recorded by Emby off of antenna that the emby new atv client badly plays, but that was before my trip and I can't send any from here.


It has nothing to do with buffering. It has to do with the black level thread, and it has to do with mis-handling interlaced antenna video too (some of them). There is no wireless, it's hardwired gigabit, at least for me.


This is identical to the OP, where he wrote:


"There seems to be a misunderstanding. I only changed the setting BECAUSE it started stumbling. That was the only way I can now watch anything. The timing of this lines up with the new release of the AppleTV app with it's "new" embedded play that doens't rely on Apple's Player. Apple's play was working just fine Direct Playing. The new version of the App does not."


Note, it was stumbling on direct play, and he intentionally transcodes as a workaround since that plays correctly. Just as for me.

Edited by sfatula
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If it's messing up antenna videos, than it more than likely is your software that is recording the video that is making it non-compliant and the ATV software is unable to play it properly.  At least from an encoder's point of view, that is how I would see it.


And we can retract my statement, as it is quite possibly something wrong with the source files and their incompatibility with the new ATV client.  Again why I dislike Apple so much.  


I'm sorry if I detracted the direction this thread was going.

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Perhaps so, but if you read my response, the software recording antenna video is..... Emby. The new atv client is the same mpv client used in players that play the same video just fine, it's simply a bug and setting somewhere that Emby is using. They'll fix it.

Edited by sfatula
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