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Emby Dashboard/Folders not loading


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Running the latest release in docker: Version


I cannot access any of my media. When I go to the url (webpage) on the front page all I get is a ist of my folders and a circle going round and round for eternity. (literally left it for hours and it doesn't stop spinning)

Same result if I click on a folder.


However if I go into the emby settings the menus there are fast and responsive.


EmbyCon - Connection timeout errors on every single menu

LG app - same spinning circle then after about 15 mins it gives up and shows me an empty screen with my folders at the top.



Now some background,


I have A LOT of content, all .strm files.

Htop and Netdata show my disks, ram and cpu all in good order (no more than 15% ram usage, 70% cpu and basically no read/write on disks)

Logs for emby server say nothing relevant only that my server has been contacted to display the widgets (that never actually display)

Logs for EmbyCon show nothing about con timeout.



As far as I can tell there is no problems at all!


I have tried many fresh installs, even tried on different hardware - all the same result.


Going a bit mental because I can't find any leads as to why this might be happening!



Really appreciate any advice








PS Logs on request, wont post them publicly as they show my domain.

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