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Share a media item

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Posted (edited)

Running Emby app version 3.8.34


I am not aware if Emby's "share" feature works properly and, therefore, if this is a bug or my problem is a configuration issue.


I do not use Emby connect.


Sharing a media item through the android app to one WhatsApp  contact results in:

O futuro é distante e o mundo está sob o comando dos poderosos, que isolaram os mais pobres no subsolo como se
 fossem seus escravos, para que trabalhassem em prol dos mesmos. 
Comandados por Freder Fredersen (Gustav Fröhlich), os operários são obrigados a trabalharem sem parar para 
que a cidade não pare. 
Obra-prima de Fritz Lang, reconhecido como um dos filmes-mudos mais importantes já lançados no cinema, 
continuando atual ainda hoje.

Which corresponds to the movie overview/sinopse.

Problems are:

- There is no mention to media item title 

- Link leads only to the login screen

- There message does not include the cover art.


Is this a configuration problem?

Edited by EduardoSantos

Well they need to login in order to be able to access your server, but we can fix the title and cover image.




Of course everybody has to login to get to the content.


What occurs, though, is:

- The shared link does not lead to the media. It simply leads to the login page;

- If the person who receives the "shared media" is already logged in, the link will also lead to the login screen.


Is this the way it is supposed to work?


To be honest, we've kind of just gone cheap on this feature for now. It isn't really something we're able to spend a whole lot of time on. But the title should be easily fixed. The cover image will depend on what you're sharing to. More and more apps are rejecting http urls nowadays. It's possible that the url we give to WhatsApp is required to be https.



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