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Feature Req: Treat Reverse Proxy as remote


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Would it be possible to add a field in the Expert -> Hosting page to specify the reverse proxy IP(s), and then treat them as external/untrusted?


Use case:


If you are allowing remote connections to Emby direct, you can use a PIN for authenticating if you are on the same subnet as the server. If you are remote, you have to use a password.


If you are using a reverse proxy, then remote connections appear to be local as they are rewritten to come from the proxy IP, which means it's not a good idea to use a PIN, using a password only is recommended. 


Security best practice says that this password should be long/complex, which is a pain to enter on most devices (especially those that don't have a touchscreen / keyboard). 


If it was possible to specify the reverse proxy address, and treat all connections from this as remote/untrusted, then you could still use PIN codes on the local network, but any remote connections from the reverse proxy IP will have to authenticate via password. 


I know technically you could do this via subnetting, but it's probably beyond the scope of most home users :)

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Would it be possible to add a field in the Expert -> Hosting page to specify the reverse proxy IP(s), and then treat them as external/untrusted?


Use case:


If you are allowing remote connections to Emby direct, you can use a PIN for authenticating if you are on the same subnet as the server. If you are remote, you have to use a password.


If you are using a reverse proxy, then remote connections appear to be local as they are rewritten to come from the proxy IP, which means it's not a good idea to use a PIN, using a password only is recommended. 


Security best practice says that this password should be long/complex, which is a pain to enter on most devices (especially those that don't have a touchscreen / keyboard). 


If it was possible to specify the reverse proxy address, and treat all connections from this as remote/untrusted, then you could still use PIN codes on the local network, but any remote connections from the reverse proxy IP will have to authenticate via password. 


I know technically you could do this via subnetting, but it's probably beyond the scope of most home users :)



You just need to make sure your proxy is set up in a transparent way, passing all of the client headers to emby, emby wont know there is a proxy in the middle. 


What proxy server are you using...  There are a few configs on the forums here that cover nginx, apache, and HA Proxy, IIS ARR has some issues with emby. I can help if nginx, and maybe get you in the right direction if using another proxy. 

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Ahh - I didn't realise that it was already supported (hint - the docs don't make it clear :P )


I'm using Apache - basic summary of config:

  SSLEngine on
  SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
  SSLCipherSuite EDH+aRSA+AES256:EECDH+aRSA+AES256
  SSLHonorCipherOrder on
  SSLCompression off

  SSLProxyEngine On
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:8096/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8096/

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/mediabrowser
  RewriteRule ^/$ /mediabrowser/$1 [R,L]

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web
  RewriteRule ^/$ /web/$1 [R,L]

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/emby
  RewriteRule ^/$ /emby/$1 [R,L]

To be honest I've not tried it externally to see if it asks me for a password or a PIN when I try and connect.. 

Edited by jon_
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Ahh - I didn't realise that it was already supported (hint - the docs don't make it clear :P )


I'm using Apache - basic summary of config:

  SSLEngine on
  SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
  SSLCipherSuite EDH+aRSA+AES256:EECDH+aRSA+AES256
  SSLHonorCipherOrder on
  SSLCompression off

  SSLProxyEngine On
  ProxyRequests Off
  ProxyPreserveHost On
  ProxyPass / http://localhost:8096/
  ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8096/

  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/mediabrowser
  RewriteRule ^/$ /mediabrowser/$1 [R,L]

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web
  RewriteRule ^/$ /web/$1 [R,L]

  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/emby
  RewriteRule ^/$ /emby/$1 [R,L]

To be honest I've not tried it externally to see if it asks me for a password or a PIN when I try and connect.. 


That "documentation" hint should be for @Luke   I'm just a regular emby user like you..   :)


Yea when users connect and disconnect you should see their "internet" IP..    here is a screen shot of mine..  My setup is a little strange because I run through cloudflare so you not only see the clients internet ip, but the server that is handling their traffic...    but you should see one internet ip for your users.    I run nginx as my reverse proxy..  Ill see if I can find one of the apache posts.  






Here is a thread that might help...   https://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/64083-could-not-find-handler-for-embywebsocket/?p=648719


I can help troubleshoot and do some digging if you can't figure it out, but I don't claim to be an apache guru..   

Edited by pir8radio
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Thanks - I'll do some proper testing when I'm back at work and can easily access via a remote connection - with good reason I'm a bit paranoid about exposing the server to the internet without doing the due diligence checks :) (I was the same with Plex for a long time, and was proved right when it turned out they were exposing creds / tokens via cleartext and had some pretty bad security holes..)


@@Luke - in terms of the documentation, I was referring to this:






Note: The local network sign in option may not work correctly if you've configured the server with a reverse proxy. In such a scenario all incoming requests will appear to be local.


What would be really helpful is a 'Remote Access FAQ' sticky post - showing best practice for securing your Emby server, what the pros and cons of direct access / reverse proxy / VPN access are along with links to all of the config guides for nginx / apache / etc..


If I get a chance I'll try and put something together...

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Thanks all - tested it from a remote connection yesterday and it's showing the remote IP, not the reverse proxy IP so all good. 


Also implemented fail2ban and put a redirect on the emby root (ie / not /emby) to return access denied which will hopefully confuse automated scanners.. :)

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