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Changing Emby Connect Password Now I Can't Login


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At the moment I access my Emby server remotely via a domain, which presents a list of server users, I pick my username, type in my Emby Connect password, and away we go.


I've just changed my Emby Connect password and now I can't login to my server remotely. I've tried:


- Clicking my username, typing in the new Connect password

- Clicking my username, typing in the old Connect password

- Clicking my username, typing in the local PIN

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my Emby Connect username and new Connect password

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my Emby Connect username and old Connect password

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my Emby Connect username and local PIN

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my server username and new Connect password

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my server username and old Connect password

- Clicking Manual Login, typing in my server username and local PIN


I also tried app.emby.media with my new and old Emby Connect passwords and that didn't work either. I can access my server via remote desktop at the moment, so can still change server settings, so then I tried:


- Changing my server user password using the old password as the current password and the new Connect password for the same

- Changing my server user password using the new Connect password as the current password and something completely new for the new password


Both times I get "Login Failure - Invalid username or password. Please try again."


Any ideas?

Edited by notla49285
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I have now reset my password on Emby dashboard settings and can now login to both my domain and app.emby.media, though for my username I cannot use notla49285, I need to use my first name for both? How does Emby Connect find my account? Surely it can't be searching using my first name? I get my domain doing it because I'm actually connected to my server, but how does app.emby.media do it? I'd rather use my username to log in than my first name.


Edit: ok now it seems I can login to app.emby.media with my username, no idea what's going on, but regard this as solved I guess

Edited by notla49285
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