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Posted (edited)

Good Morning, in the last 2 months my server emby has been stealing memory reaching 92% of the server. It is installed on an Intel Xeon server with 8GB of memory. Windows Server 2012 R2 system, Emby-only server. I went to get the log to send it to you and I came across it (follows print) log with more than 6GB in size.


Thanks in advance for your attention.


Edited by sarutobi

Hi there, is there any activity that appears repeatedly in the log files? Do you have any plugins installed?


Hi there, is there any activity that appears repeatedly in the log files? Do you have any plugins installed?



plugins that I have installed are attached in the photo5bf56c3a52f08_emby.png

plugins that I have installed are attached in the photo


Hi, try removing the cover art plugin. thanks.


Hi, try removing the cover art plugin. thanks.


But will I have to permanently remove it?

But will I have to permanently remove it?


I'm not sure yet. We'll get to that once we figure out what the problem is.


I'm not sure yet. We'll get to that once we figure out what the problem is.




But today uninstalling cover art solves this 100% problem?


Please remove the cover art plugin, then give it more time and report back. Thanks !


Please remove the cover art plugin, then give it more time and report back. Thanks !


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OK thank you for the attention
Posted (edited)
OK thank you for the attention


OK thank you for the attention

Edited by sarutobi

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