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EmbyReports - Powershell Script - (Announcement)


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1. Brief Introduction


Over the last couple of months i have been creating a way of getting information from Emby and presenting it in a more useful format than the "limited" Report Plugin. So..


The EmbyReports script has been created to give you a way of querying your Emby Server for information on your media. This will involve running the script with various parameters which guide the script to create Excel (xlsx) or HTML files (or both) as output. These report files can then be opened in Excel (or Google Sheets/LibreOffice etc) or your browser respectively.


As you would expect reports include Movies, TV, Audio, Boxsets etc and can be either "By Library" or for "All" media of a specific type. For example you might want information on all Movies from your Emby Server or you might require the information broken down into sections by movie libraries as you have a "Movies" and a "Movies 4k" library.


Also you are not limited to one media type per script run because reports can be requested on multiple media types at the same time. So you could request Movies, TV Series and Home Videos reports concurrently.


The HTML reports are generally simpler and provide less information than the Excel reports but these HTML reports also contain hyperlinks to various Emby web pages for quick access. 


Once the script has been setup correctly you can create as many reports and as often as you wish on your media. The EmbyReports script can communicate with any Emby server that it can authenticate with, irrespective of the OS version that particular server may be running.


2. What's Required and What's Not - Basics


PowerShell - 5.1 - Required


Obviously you need a Windows machine to run this script on even if your Emby Server may be running on a different OS and the Emby Server be visible to the machine running the script.


Emby "Reports" Plugin - Not Required


Although some of the functionality available can be found in the Emby Report Plugin it does not need to be installed on your Emby server and is not used by the EmbyReports script. If it is installed that is not a problem for the script. The Plugin has been used as a starting point but the EmbyReports script provides extra information on individual media items as well as being able to do additional media types not currently available by the Plugin. There would be no point writing the script if it just did the same things! Where is the fun in that?


Microsoft Office - Not Required


Equally the EmbyReports script does not require the Microsoft Excel software to be installed in order to produce the xlsx files on either the server or any windows machine running the script. 


If Microsoft Office is installed it will make no difference to the script.


3. Script - Release TBA


For now i am just announcing that it exists and will be available soon as it depends on the changes Luke is making to the Emby Server database at the moment and they are not quite ready yet as some changes affect the working of the script.


Thanks to @@CBers @@Spaceboy @@FrostByte and @@MrWebsmith for testing and suggestions. The script has been in use for over two months now for a selected few and once Luke finalises the next version of the server (too much is changing daily at the moment) i will release the script for wider use.


(if something does not work it's all their fault :)


PenkethBoy - 25/08/2018


Oh you want to see what it looks like? :)


Couple of screenshots and example reports below.

Excel - Movie Report - the report has 44 columns so just a selection in the first two images.





HTML report - Movies


HTML Report - Albums



Example Reports - Contains the two above reports - one in XLSX and one in HTML format


NOTE: - For the slow - the links to the Movies and Albums wont work for you (as they are set for my server!) - but links to IMDB etc will :)

Edited by PenkethBoy
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Not yet - waiting on some bug fixes to the API that are with Luke - before i can begin testing again to ensure i do not have errors my end etc


4.x changed a lot of things and i want to be sure it works well before others get to use it.

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Very much looking forward to this - The Reports plugin via the filters is workable and you can then export in Excel etc - but you cannot save these parameters/reports making it very tedious every time if you run frequent reports as I do.


Thanks PenkethBoy - please shout if you want testers ..  :)

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