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Emby Android TV sur TV Sony KD-55XD8599 qui n'est plus joignable


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Bonjour à tous,


J'utilise un serveur dédié SoYouStart avec Docker pour mon serveur Emby et tout fonctionnait bien jusqu'à il y a quelques jours.

Depuis 4-5 jours, je n'arrive plus à accéder à mon serveur Emby via l'application officiel sur ma télé et j'ai bien l’impression que c'est suite à la dernière mise à jour de Sony puisque ça fonctionnait avant et avec cette nouvelle mise à jour, bah ça ne fonctionne plus.


Quand j'essaie de me connecter via Emby Connect, il me détecte bien mon serveur mais comme j'utilise Docker, il utilise l'IP Docker qui est une IP local sur le serveur, donc injoignable.


Ce que je faisais avant, j'utilisais simplement la connexion manuelle en ajoutant l'URL de mon serveur Emby et ça fonctionnait parfaitement mais maintenant impossible quoi qu'il arrive, l'adresse reste injoignable alors qu'avec mon téléphone portable et l'application Emby, je me connecte comme ça et ça marche super bien.


Si vous avez des idées.


Merci beaucoup

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Bonjour, utilisez-vous l'application Android TV Emby sur votre téléviseur?


Oui, j'utilise l'application officiel "Emby Android TV" sur ma télé. J'ai essayé de désinstaller l'application et de la réinstaller mais toujours le même problème.

Edited by Nataniel
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Are you sure the TV is still connected to your local network? Have you tried setting that up again?

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Are you sure the TV is still connected to your local network? Have you tried setting that up again?


My TV is indeed well connected to the Internet since I uninstall and reinstall the application Emby for Android TV and I also access the Internet via the browser. But I can not connect while it works with the Emby app on my smartphone.

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@@Nataniel, have you tried entering the server address manually into the android tv app?


Yes of course, many times even.

But I had already indicated in my first message

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By going on my telly to activate the sending of log in the parameters of Emby, I just realized and remind me, that it is impossible without being connected to the application.

Is there another way?

Because I have no access to this option at all.

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Sorry, I did not understand.

You will find in the attachments the logs of my server when I try to connect via my TV.

I found some errors that may have nothing to do but here it is:


2018-04-10 18:09:10.489 Error HttpServer: Error in SharpWebSocket: An exception has occurred while receiving a message.. Exception.Message: The header part of a frame cannot be read from the data source.

2018-04-10 18:18:16.264 Error HttpServer: Error in SharpWebSocket: An exception has occurred while receiving a message.. Exception.Message: The header part of a frame cannot be read from the data source.




Edited by Nataniel
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Hi, can you please try our official docker instead:



Which one are you using?


I use the docker image: https://github.com/xataz/docker-emby


But I'm sure that the error does not come from the docker image I use because I just changed my image to try to see if I had the same problem with another one. And actually it's the same problem with the official image as with this one.

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Can you start from scratch with the official image?


Not today. Maybe this weekend because it makes me reinstall everything and to be quite honest it bugs me to do it because as I already told you, it has nothing to do with the image.


And I'm sure because I wanted to try with another precisely.

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Are you trying to connect with https?


Is it just a certificate problem?


Yes I connect in "https" with content "https://emby.rathorian.fr"but I do not indicate any port. It works on my smartphone.


A certificate problem? I do not really know. I use an EC-384 certificate but the ciphers I do not remember, I should look.

You think it could come from there? Because it worked just before the update of my TV and I have not changed anything since the certificate and it works perfectly on my smartphone and my tablet.

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No, it's normal


Does that mean it does work with http?


I do believe this may be a certificate problem.  On the mobile apps we are able to side-step some of the security required for SSL but that is not as easily done on the TV devices so the device must recognize your certificate as valid.

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Does that mean it does work with http?


I do believe this may be a certificate problem.  On the mobile apps we are able to side-step some of the security required for SSL but that is not as easily done on the TV devices so the device must recognize your certificate as valid.


I did not try in HTTP.


I would have to change the configuration of my reverse proxy and try tonight because here I am at work.


I'll keep you informed

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