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Emby Connect for Server


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How long does it take for the server to show up as a Connected server.  I followed these instructions and received my email and clicked on the link.  It was working before, but yesterday, I completely uninstalled the server from my Vorke V2 (Windows 10), and re-installed it.  After I got all my media setup again, I went through the process of Connecting it again, but it does not show up as connected to my Google account so far.


Also is a picture of what I am referring to.



Guide for Administrators

If you're the administrator of an Emby server, the Connect feature makes it easier than ever to invite your family and friends to share your media.

The first step to setting up your server with Emby Connect is to link your server account to your Emby account. This is done in four easy steps:

  1. Start by signing up for Emby Connect
  2. Then open your server dashboard, navigate to Users, and click on your user account. In the Emby username/email field, enter the email address you used to sign up with Emby Connect, and then click Save.
  3. An email will be sent to your address with instructions on how to confirm the account link. Simply click the confirm link within the email.
  4. You're now ready to use Emby Connect with your apps. You can easily test this using the online web app."
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I was afraid of that, it shows the cloud icon, but it does not show up under Google Home linked servers.  I show three other servers that I have disabled.  


Since I have disabled them, how do I UNlink them from the "cloud"?



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Since I have disabled them, how do I UNlink them from the "cloud"?


Go to the switch server screen in just about any app and there should be an option to delete them.

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Thanks, I deleted the servers that I disabled and now they are gone.  I solved my problem, I was using a wrong email address when I connected to the cloud......... I was inputting a wrong email address and getting a link from that email address.  When I just used my "user" name instead of an email address, it sent the link to my other email address.  When I clicked on that link, now my server is connected to my Google Home now..........


You probably have no idea what I was trying to explain....... hahaha


Anyway, what I was trying to achieve now works..

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, James 1407 said:

hi im abit   stuck i have a emby server and cant seem to acess it now please help

Hi there, what happens when you try to access it?

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On 9/5/2020 at 1:51 AM, JNM said:

I’m having the same problem to find a server

Did you install your own Emby Server?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I already have an emby server with Premiere. I did not sign up for emby connect. How can i sign up with my already existing server and settings?

Edited by herstl22
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  • 5 months later...

I accidentally clicked the forgot button on my server and don’t know how to get back into it. What do I do?

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39 minutes ago, Roxiejia said:

I accidentally clicked the forgot button on my server and don’t know how to get back into it. What do I do?

Go to your server, Dashboard-Users-your user and relink your Connect username.

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14 hours ago, Happy2Play said:

Go to your server, Dashboard-Users-your user and relink your Connect username.

Yes, and you do that by blanking out the Connect ID/Email field and saving and then re-entering it and saving.

Please let us know if this solves your problem.

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