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What determines "Latest in..." various categories on dashboard?


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Hi Folks,


I'm wondering what conditions determine what shows up in "Latest in..." and "Latest" for each category on the dashboard. Is it whatever has been added in the last week? Month? Just wondering because it seems like it doesn't go back very far. One thing I liked about Plex was being able to view my libraries by date added. Some weeks I add so much stuff that I forget what I've added and end up never watching it. Is there any way to do this sort of thing in Emby? Thanks.

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"Latest" displays the most recently added media with a display limit of I believe "18 items".


You can filter your library (Movies "All" or TV "Shows") by "Date added" "Descending".

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Thanks @@Happy2Play. My Movies "Latest" is showing about 18, but for some reason my TV Shows "Latest" is only showing 3 items. I wonder why that is.


I see the sort by "Date Added" now. Thanks. That will come in handy!

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Thanks @@Happy2Play. My Movies "Latest" is showing about 18, but for some reason my TV Shows "Latest" is only showing 3 items. I wonder why that is.


I see the sort by "Date Added" now. Thanks. That will come in handy!


@@seth2958, I ran into the same question concerning TV shows specifically.  I consistently get 16 items showing in any movie-type library under "Latest" but I ran a scan on my main TV library, and afterwards it would only show two different shows in the "Latest" area. 


I was wondering why, so I messed around with the latest media I had added a bit and the conclusion I've come to is it must be based on the number of episodes that are added at the same time as to how many shows it displays in the "Latest" section of TV-type libraries.  For example, I tend to slowly work on converting DVD series I have, and then add a bunch of seasons to my media server computer at a time.  So I tried to add 28 episodes of a show during a single scan and it pushes two other shows off the "Latest" TV listing.  I add another 22 episodes of the same show and it bumped off two more separate listings.  I don't know exactly what the number is for "Latest" TV-type display, or whether @@Luke would be able to tell us what that number is, but at least it ended up making sense to me why I only saw two shows listed after adding in over 100 episodes of one show at once.


Edit: Corrected some weird grammatical phrasing since I apparently have a tough time proofreading my post.

Edited by Rohanaj
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  • 1 year later...
Travis Runyard

@@seth2958, I ran into the same question concerning TV shows specifically.  I consistently get 16 items showing in any movie-type library under "Latest" but I ran a scan on my main TV library, and afterwards it would only show two different shows in the "Latest" area. 


I was wondering why, so I messed around with the latest media I had added a bit and the conclusion I've come to is it must be based on the number of episodes that are added at the same time as to how many shows it displays in the "Latest" section of TV-type libraries.  For example, I tend to slowly work on converting DVD series I have, and then add a bunch of seasons to my media server computer at a time.  So I tried to add 28 episodes of a show during a single scan and it pushes two other shows off the "Latest" TV listing.  I add another 22 episodes of the same show and it bumped off two more separate listings.  I don't know exactly what the number is for "Latest" TV-type display, or whether @@Luke would be able to tell us what that number is, but at least it ended up making sense to me why I only saw two shows listed after adding in over 100 episodes of one show at once.


Edit: Corrected some weird grammatical phrasing since I apparently have a tough time proofreading my post.


Sorry for beating a dead horse here but I feel like this might help someone in the future to find which files may be setting the hard limit on the scroller. In the case of the limit is 16 cards for the "Latest Movies". I set it to 90 to be able to click for days.

grep -ERil 'limit(=|[12\-30]' /usr/local/lib/emby-server/system/dashboard-ui/

In this case, the limit is being set in

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