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FR - Skinning Engine - Consistant look for the MB Universe


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The direct request is that the MediaBrowser Apps all be able to use the same "skinning engine" and therefor the same skins.




I, and my wife, really like the MBT look and feel(default skin). I have also tried the web browser and the android app. It would be great for consistency that they all "look" the same. It would most certainly help the W.A.F.


Through what seems to be great forethought you all have made the server side of this incredible. I think making the skinning side consistent, would be a great addition to what has already been accomplished here.


I know you all are busy, and that there is a lot of other stuff that takes precedence, but please keep this in the back of your minds.


Please keep up the great work that you all are doing!


Thanks for your time and consideration.

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I really don't think this will be practical.  The technologies and platforms involved are just too varied.  We try to standardize a bit with things like indicators but, as for actual look and feel, this is going to need to be adjusted to fit the platform involved.


This is partially to fit in with that platform (e.g. an iOS app should look like an iOS app) but also, technically, I don't think it would be possible.  Both because of the different technologies involved and because all the apps are developed by different contributors that we don't control (nor would we really want to).


Allowing more freedom on the application end allows the app designers to be creative and innovate instead of locking them into a specific paradigm.

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