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Emby is blocking NAS and crashes in a daily interval


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my DS716+ ist crashing once per day since about one month. First thing that happens is that the memory usage rises up to about 90%. After that Synologys Webinterface becomes very slow until it doesn't respond. Before that the Resource Monitor shows that Emby is using a lot of memory.

After a crash I had a look at the logs, the file is huge and full of errors (mainly error: "Too many open files). I supmitted the logs and hope they are helpful.


Logs: sendlogs_nas_synology_braswell_716+_20171214T152617UTC.tgz 


Does anybody else has this issue?

Edited by jaunusa
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Is the nas a separate system, or are you running emby on the nas? If the former - how are the files shared i.e. smb, nfs, ftp etc...


I've seen the "too many open files" issue , when the media is on the same device as the media and that's largely because emby is doing something wacky that's allowing it to exceed the file descriptor wall limit defined by most sane kernel configs. Haven't seen this remotely though, but I guess if you were using nfs it could still happen.

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Yes, emby is running on the same NAS device where the media is. Strange things happening there, the log file is 250MB large. I uploaded it to google drive and will send you a PM with a link, @@Luke.


sorry for the late response

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There are lots of these in your log that are causing disruption with the embedded web server:

Exception.Message: Connection reset by peer

I will need to search and refresh my memory but when we've seen that in the past it's always been due to some nuance of the network configuration.

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@@Luke, which network configuration do you mean, hardware setup?


It could be possible that this daily crashing started after I connected the NAS with a router that is setup as a wireless client bridge. Before that emby crashed fewer. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I connected the NAS directly to the main router, without the wireless bridge inbetween. But I'm still facing daily crashes. Any idea what I could try to fix the problem?

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@@Luke, don't you think it is the same problem as before, when the NAS was connected through the wireless bridge? I already sent you that Log.
At the moment I am away from home and the NAS is restarting every morning to prevent from beeing blocked by emby. If you need another Log, I will let it block once again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Luke, I'm back in the local network for a few days. So I could test version 3.2.70 and exatly the same happens as before. Could it be possible that the chromecast issue "network stangling" is causing this problem?

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@@Luke, sent you a PM with logs

Edit: I have to mention, I killed Emby manually through DSM, because I could see the RAM rising dramatically.

Edited by jaunusa
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I removed all plugins and restarted Emby. The NAS won't restart automatically, so we will see if it happens again.
There was a strange plugin listed: "Iso Mounter". I can't remember I installed it.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm still having this issue, but I suppose I got the thing the causes the problem. Hopefully somebody can confirm this problem.


After long thinking about all components in my home network that could cause the problem, I remembered the kodi with installed emby addon is mostly running in the background on my Android TV. Because Emby wasn't blocking my NAS and crashing every day, it was possible that the emby addon had some issues, still running in the background on the TV. So I always shut down emby after using it and the problem disappeared. Emby is no more crashing every day.


Is that a known problem, any ideas to fix it?

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