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Better Search


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Not really a feature request, more of an improvement request...


As my library grows in size, it's becoming more and more apparent how limited the search functionality is - there doesn't appear to be any particular algorithm at play with it. From what I can ascertain, it just looks to be taking your input string and putting wildcards around the term and using that to query the database directly.


An easy example of this, is any item that has an apostrophe in it so say for instance I have a movie called "Devil's Advocate", now when searching for something it's not one's first thought to enter the search term in a grammatically correct manner, so one would usually start typing "devils" and expect that to bring up the movie - it doesn't.


There also instances where the title of something might contain connectives or determiners and one wouldn't generally include those in search terms, in most search engines these would be ignored anyway. An example of this would be if I had a movie called "Under the Skin", I might want to search for "under skin" instead  - again this doesn't work in Emby.


At work we use Lucene.NET - it's really good, you should check it out...

Edited by dcrdev
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