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FR: Trakt plugin - Sharing watched status


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This is the idea, I often have some friends over and we watch movies. But there is always the issue of picking a movie to watch, one thing you can't help with is us agreeing on a movie, but there is one thing to help with and that is to filter out the movies one of us already watched. This is the idea. Adding a "watched by: " tag, not only watched tag. 




First off implement it in MB3 server where one has the option to share it's watched status with other local users. 


Then the important part (for me): Using trakt plugin to do the same. What you would need is to add several logins/IDs to the trakt plugin, and to give each login/ID a name.


so lets say I have 3 trakt id's setup in MB3, one is main and "me" handles the watched tag. Then I have Friend1 and Friend2 linked to the "watched by:" tag. 


So now when I view my movie collection, it will show "watched by: Friend1" if that particular movie is in his trakt status.


Hope I can make myself understood, english is not my native language, and hope some people/devs like the idea.

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Koleckai Silvestri

The first two things are going to be possible.... 


1. The server has "Also Here" style capabilities. This is going to start appearing in Clients. Each person would need an account on your server though.


2. When you configure the Trakt plugin, you can specify a log in for each user to synchronize watch status.

Edited by Wayne Luke
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Thanks for reply and input on the idea. 


As I understand the server already has the capability to share status? it's the clients that don't have it yet ? I'm only using web client (and xbmc).


if so thats good news. 


As for trakt, I guess I didn't think this all the way through. Knowing what my friends already watched is a simple case of checking their trakt status, however when we watch a movie together it should also sync back who watched the movie, and that would be more tricky. You would first off have the clients ask if you watched it alone or if you watched with friends, and then add the friends. And then to sync with trakt you would actually need their full login, not only their ID. This shouldn't be a problem, but not as practical and ofcourse much more work than I anticipated in my initial proposal. 


So since sharing status is as I gather already in the works in the MB3 server, I would have to ask. How about connecting MB3 servers so they can talk to each other. I guess that would also be a lot of work, kindo like incorporating the trakt functionality into MB3 server.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I assume the devs know how this needs to work and hopefully in the pipeline soon. You're over complicating it.


You already have multiple MB3 users that can have trakt accounts associated with it. What's needed is the ability to specify that there are multiple users in the room at present and they're all watching. Kind of like signing in with 2 or more users at once. If you watch something together it marks as watched for everyone. If you're looking at 'unseen' movies it's only those unseen by everyone. Issue is just coming up with an elegant UI, for quickly and easily adding/removing users.




This could possibly go further at a later point were perhaps you could specify a trakt friend is with you and filters accordingly. I don't think it should mark as watched for them (to much hassle with security issues). That user can just manually mark the item as watched. (Traked kind of needs the facility for a friend to push something as watched, goes to a queue and requires your approval before actually marked as watched.)


For finding movies with random friends that none of you have seen (that have trakt), this could rather be done on the trakt site (feature pending).

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P.S. As an interim measure, would be nice if you could create a MB3 account with two or perhaps more trakt accounts associated with it. You could then create a "User A & B" account when both are watching. While also having separate accounts. Relying a bit on Trakt to keep the accounts in sync though.

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