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TimeLord.Movies - Plugin Trial expired


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I just paid for both versions of Timelord, TV and Movie.  But, the TV version said expires in 14.... days and the Movie version says already expired.  So I uninstalled both versions and rebooted, they both came back by themselves with the same messages.  Any other suggestions?  The TV version seems to be working since I have time left.  But can't seem to install the paid versions.




If you PM me your emby login emaill address I can look into this for you, as long as you have a valid Emby Premiere subscription, I should be able to sort you out

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I have a Premiere account and still receiving trail has expired error.


Because they are Premium plugins now and not Supporter.



Yes, its been a supporter plugin for a long time, however I've had to rewrite it, and in order to continue supporting it, I've made it a chargeable plugin, that way anyone who pays for it becomes my customer, and I'll sort out your issues, like I have been doing since people started, contacting me.

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So you are saying I have to pay more money

I would pm @@BeppoMonkeyBoy the email account you used to buy you license. Edited by mediacowboy
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So you are saying I have to pay more money

If you haven’t already registered the plugin, you need to in order to continue using the new version, if you have and the trail is still saying expired, shoot me a pm, with your PayPal email, and your Emby email and I can set you up,


Everyone who has contacted me I’ve sorted, and it’s usally down to having a different email for PayPal than they have for emby

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It is a shame, imo, that you couldn't let the addon continue to be a supporter addon for people who have paid for a lifetime license for Emby and a premium addon for people who have NOT paid for Emby. Finding addons suddenly changing AFTER I have paid for a lifetime license to use Emby and the plugins advertised at the time of purchase, is a bit of a slap in the face to find a hand sticking out asking for MORE money for something I considered part of the whole experience I paid for. Maybe ALL addons should just suddenly swap to Premium only and ask for 5-20$ if we want to keep using them.. wouldn't that be a nice thing to wake up to? Cause that is what this feels like, consider it from a few other points of view.  Just my thoughts.

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It is a shame, imo, that you couldn't let the addon continue to be a supporter addon for people who have paid for a lifetime license for Emby and a premium addon for people who have NOT paid for Emby. Finding addons suddenly changing AFTER I have paid for a lifetime license to use Emby and the plugins advertised at the time of purchase, is a bit of a slap in the face to find a hand sticking out asking for MORE money for something I considered part of the whole experience I paid for. Maybe ALL addons should just suddenly swap to Premium only and ask for 5-20$ if we want to keep using them.. wouldn't that be a nice thing to wake up to? Cause that is what this feels like, consider it from a few other points of view.  Just my thoughts.

To be fair, the money you paid to emby for the lifetime license went to emby. The money you pay for this plugin goes to a separate developer who does not get money from the lifetime license. This isn't the only plugin that does this. You are supporting both emby and other third party developers by paying for both.

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My TimelordTV and TimeLordMovies plugins now also says they're trial versions. I have used these for years, and I've been a lifetime Emby Premiere user for even longer.


Exactly what do I have to do in order to get this to work again? I see some talk about registration, but can't find any registration option anywhere. The settings page for these plugins have no configurable settings.


So again, exactly how do I get these to work again? And do I have to pay again?


I feel I already paid for the right to use this through my lifetime Emby Premiere license.


Please advise, thanks!

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My TimelordTV and TimeLordMovies plugins now also says they're trial versions. I have used these for years, and I've been a lifetime Emby Premiere user for even longer.


Exactly what do I have to do in order to get this to work again? I see some talk about registration, but can't find any registration option anywhere. The settings page for these plugins have no configurable settings.


So again, exactly how do I get these to work again? And do I have to pay again?


I feel I already paid for the right to use this through my lifetime Emby Premiere license.


Please advise, thanks!

You never paided for them to begin with as the developer allowed them to initially be available to Emby Premeire Supporters.  Now the developer has changed them to Premium plugins and you have to buy them via the link in the catalog just like the other Premium plugins PlayOn, Movie Theme Songs, Movie Theme Videos, TV Theme Songs, TV Theme Videos. Edited by Happy2Play
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It is a shame, imo, that you couldn't let the addon continue to be a supporter addon for people who have paid for a lifetime license for Emby and a premium addon for people who have NOT paid for Emby. Finding addons suddenly changing AFTER I have paid for a lifetime license to use Emby and the plugins advertised at the time of purchase, is a bit of a slap in the face to find a hand sticking out asking for MORE money for something I considered part of the whole experience I paid for. Maybe ALL addons should just suddenly swap to Premium only and ask for 5-20$ if we want to keep using them.. wouldn't that be a nice thing to wake up to? Cause that is what this feels like, consider it from a few other points of view.  Just my thoughts.



My TimelordTV and TimeLordMovies plugins now also says they're trial versions. I have used these for years, and I've been a lifetime Emby Premiere user for even longer.


Exactly what do I have to do in order to get this to work again? I see some talk about registration, but can't find any registration option anywhere. The settings page for these plugins have no configurable settings.


So again, exactly how do I get these to work again? And do I have to pay again?


I feel I already paid for the right to use this through my lifetime Emby Premiere license.


Please advise, thanks!


You can pay in the catalog screen, and @@mediacowboy is bang on point, I don't receive anything from the emby premire subscription, that goes to support the main product, I created the plugin to fill a need I personally had, and then I shared it, and its been in the catalog as you say for years. as has the donate button linking to my paypal, do you know how many people used that button in all that time?


I'll tell you its 1. and even that was over a year ago, however people did use the email in the paypal button (which is different from my other addresses), to contact me when the last server update broke the plugin, which meant I had to dig out the code, and fix it, as well as test it and release it, as I currently don't use Emby as my primary media server, but I am using it to try and put episode trailers into another product.


Also like I said by taking payment I'm promising to sort out all issues that people have raised, and since doing this someone pointed @@candyman the next build of the server breaks the plugin again, and all the little updates you've been getting are the new version of the plugin, which fully supports the next build.


I'm not the only person who makes premium plugins, and if I'd not rewritten this it simply would have stopped working overtime, and then disappeared altogether.


I've not asking for a lot for the plugin-in, and it looks as if most people only want the movies version, (which is the version that broke first) and to be fair, I don't even get the full $5, as its not my native currency.

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I also have been responding to peoples issues, if people could let people know I'm not a unfeeling monster that would be nice.

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What's all this noise about $5 or $10 about?


@@BeppoMonkeyBoy saw a need for his own purpose a couple of years ago and wrote a plugin for his own use that he shared in the library. He could have just kept it to himself but didn't. The Emby team is moving forward constantly on server improvements, some of which break the Plugins written by users causing the plugins to be re-coded to work with the new server. This all takes time and don't you think that BeppoMonkeyBoy deserves a small contribution to cover his time in keeping the plugin up to date, rather than letting it wither and die?


Come on folks!

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You can pay in the catalog screen, and @@mediacowboy is bang on point, I don't receive anything from the emby premire subscription, that goes to support the main product, I created the plugin to fill a need I personally had, and then I shared it, and its been in the catalog as you say for years. as has the donate button linking to my paypal, do you know how many people used that button in all that time?


I'll tell you its 1. and even that was over a year ago, however people did use the email in the paypal button (which is different from my other addresses), to contact me when the last server update broke the plugin, which meant I had to dig out the code, and fix it, as well as test it and release it, as I currently don't use Emby as my primary media server, but I am using it to try and put episode trailers into another product.


Also like I said by taking payment I'm promising to sort out all issues that people have raised, and since doing this someone pointed @@candyman the next build of the server breaks the plugin again, and all the little updates you've been getting are the new version of the plugin, which fully supports the next build.


I'm not the only person who makes premium plugins, and if I'd not rewritten this it simply would have stopped working overtime, and then disappeared altogether.


I've not asking for a lot for the plugin-in, and it looks as if most people only want the movies version, (which is the version that broke first) and to be fair, I don't even get the full $5, as its not my native currency.

Fair enough. But please understand that the end users do not see the difference, or at least I didnt. So when something is included with a premium subscription then I assume it's exactly that, included. Not saying $5 is not reasonable, I don't mind donating at all supporting independent developers. I was just surprised that something that has been working for the longest time all of a sudden didn't, with no prior warning.

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An update rolled to me this morning. I was remote and restarted the Emby Server to finish installing the update. Afterwards, I had to remote into my Emby Server PC and give it a kick in the pants by restarting the Emby Server Manually to get the server started again. Anybody else experience this?

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Fair enough. But please understand that the end users do not see the difference, or at least I didnt. So when something is included with a premium subscription then I assume it's exactly that, included. Not saying $5 is not reasonable, I don't mind donating at all supporting independent developers. I was just surprised that something that has been working for the longest time all of a sudden didn't, with no prior warning.



To add to the above, I'll donate to get this working again. No big deal at all, thanks for supporting your plugin!


Did you not get the warning screen stating that it was a third party plugin and that the Emby Team was not responsible for it continuing to work when you first installed it?

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An update rolled to me this morning. I was remote and restarted the Emby Server to finish installing the update. Afterwards, I had to remote into my Emby Server PC and give it a kick in the pants by restarting the Emby Server Manually to get the server started again. Anybody else experience this?

I’ve not seen it, and I’ve been remotely installing plugins during the day, I’ve only really had this issue in the past when I’ve done a server update.

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An update rolled to me this morning. I was remote and restarted the Emby Server to finish installing the update. Afterwards, I had to remote into my Emby Server PC and give it a kick in the pants by restarting the Emby Server Manually to get the server started again. Anybody else experience this?



I’ve not seen it, and I’ve been remotely installing plugins during the day, I’ve only really had this issue in the past when I’ve done a server update.


This has nothing to do with the plugin.  It has to do with the shutdown hang that occasionally happens for some reason.  Haven't really seen it in awhile since the timeout has been extended to over a minute or two for the server to restart.  But I do see this happening on occasion.

Edited by Happy2Play
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Just a small update from me, using new qnap emby server which is also build using net core. It still triggers trial version warning for TimeLord Movies though I do not get the trial warning for TimeLord TV - would be great if you could please do the same fix on the movies plugin when you got time. Emby Lifetime Premium user and also donated once more for both TimeLord Plugins. Thanks a lot for all your effort :)

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Just a small update from me, using new qnap emby server which is also build using net core. It still triggers trial version warning for TimeLord Movies though I do not get the trial warning for TimeLord TV - would be great if you could please do the same fix on the movies plugin when you got time. Emby Lifetime Premium user and also donated once more for both TimeLord Plugins. Thanks a lot for all your effort :)

Pm me your PayPal email and your Emby email if different and Take a look.

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Did you not get the warning screen stating that it was a third party plugin and that the Emby Team was not responsible for it continuing to work when you first installed it?

Obviously I must have missed that or forgotten about it after several years or I would not have posted here.
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I bought this on monday, it's seems to change the "added" field to match release date, but my "latest movies" tab in web-browser and emby theater is still showing the movies as added, not sorted by release date :(

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I bought this on monday, it's seems to change the "added" field to match release date, but my "latest movies" tab in web-browser and emby theater is still showing the movies as added, not sorted by release date :(

What server/plugin version are you using? And do you have screen shots? It dosnt quite make sense as the plugin changes the date added, and you say it is doing that.

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