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Live TV Improvements Request


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Why do US citizens always think they live in the center of the world?!


I don't think I live in the center of the world, I'm listing PVR's I'm familiar with as examples.  If I don't know DingoTv exists I can't use it as an example..  :)

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My TiVo and DirecTV DVR both did 30 forward and 10 back.  It has been quite a while since I had them though...


@@denz - what does WMC have as defaults?

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I don't think I live in the center of the world, I'm listing PVR's I'm familiar with as examples.  If I don't know DingoTv exists I can't use it as an example..  :)

You've said Emby should mirror Tivo's because WE'VE ALL gotten used to it, but most europeans don't know them. That doesn't mean that Tivo's aren't good usabilitiy examples.

I just don't like it if people are talking for others (WE) and i also think copying something that exists for decades isn't always the best way. Sometimes you have to try something other.

Look at the Kodi skip step example (additive seeking). Wow, was that a shitstorm when they implemented it. But most new users love it and even old users get used to it.

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You've said Emby should mirror Tivo's because WE'VE ALL gotten used to it, but most europeans don't know them. That doesn't mean that Tivo's aren't good usabilitiy examples.

I just don't like it if people are talking for others (WE) and i also think copying something that exists for decades isn't always the best way. Sometimes you have to try something other.

Look at the Kodi skip step example (additive seeking). Wow, was that a shitstorm when they implemented it. But most new users love it and even old users get used to it.


Thanks for the input.

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I've mention this before. Would it be possible to make it like Kodi?


1 press = 10secs

2 quick presses = 30secs

3 = 1min

4 = 3mins

5 = 4mins


This is for both forward and backward.

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Why do US citizens always think they live in the center of the world?!


Its pretty obvious that the UK is the centre of the world because thats where Greenwich is.  Every body else is just a +/- some factor away from us  :)  :) 





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I've mention this before. Would it be possible to make it like Kodi?


1 press = 10secs

2 quick presses = 30secs

3 = 1min

4 = 3mins

5 = 4mins


This is for both forward and backward.


I just don't think that is intuitive for a normal user.  More than likely, most people would think the advancing was random because they could never figure out how many times to press to go the amount they want (someone has to read a manual to know how it works basically).

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I just don't think that is intuitive for a normal user.  More than likely, most people would think the advancing was random because they could never figure out how many times to press to go the amount they want (someone has to read a manual to know how it works basically).


Yeah, I can understand what you mean. It is a default setting in Kodi and it did throw me for a loop the first time I used it, but it has become so natural to use that I actually miss it and is one of the reasons I still use kodi.

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I'm happy with 30/10 for the reasons described. It's 8 presses to skip the adverts and 10 back if I miss anything. I could live with 15 back but I didn't like the additive method in Kodi.


Anything more that 5 mins I use the chapter markers

Edited by Spaceboy
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In Germany commercials are around 8 minutes. That means 32 clicks with 15 second steps and still 16 clicks with 30 seconds. Way to much!

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In Germany commercials are around 8 minutes. That means 32 clicks with 15 second steps and still 16 clicks with 30 seconds. Way to much!

wow 8 mins? I should just pop out to the shop or something?
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Back before I started using kodi as my Mythtv frontend I used mythfrontend and my cable's stb. On both I just used the fwd and rwd buttons and watched the video. I never used skip till kodi. I can live with 30sec forward and 10sec back. Just thought the kodi way was interesting. Kodi also has a skip 10min back and forth that I have mapped to up and down while watching video.

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A basic and really urgent requirement for me would be the ability to hide channels from the guide in Emby itself. Yes, I know you can use favourites to reorder the list, but as an admin, the ability to hide specific channels from *all* users on the system is essential (my kids have no reason to see Adult channels listed in the guide). WMC could do this, so I don't know why Emby can't. A simple check-box would suffice. Please!!!

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A basic and really urgent requirement for me would be the ability to hide channels from the guide in Emby itself. Yes, I know you can use favourites to reorder the list, but as an admin, the ability to hide specific channels from *all* users on the system is essential (my kids have no reason to see Adult channels listed in the guide). WMC could do this, so I don't know why Emby can't. A simple check-box would suffice. Please!!!


You can do this now in a number of ways.


The best is to use your HDHR configuration to disable the channels if you really want them not to show.


If you want them to only not show for certain users, you could use the Parental Control feature to hide with tags.

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I don't have a request, just a thank you.


You added de-interlacing to live TV.  I haven't watched much live TV lately (mostly recordings), and I assumed the deinterlaced recordings came from Handbrake settings.  But I watched 1080i on live TV today and it looks really good.  You should promote this more.

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You can do this now in a number of ways.


The best is to use your HDHR configuration to disable the channels if you really want them not to show.


If you want them to only not show for certain users, you could use the Parental Control feature to hide with tags.


Thanks ebr. The tag method does seem to work. It takes a little bit of setting up, but seems quite flexible. I think a general 'hide channel' option would be easier, but at least it works.

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Just curious, emby team, in the original post  Option's 3 & 4 are huge for my household. Could this be considered?   I don't want to see others recordings, and I don't want others (kids, woman) to be able to delete music, and movies, but they should be able to delete their recordings...Seems silly to give them full delete privs.   More detail in the original post.   I'm so close to switching, I've been playing with some android tv boxes and bought boxes for every TV in the house...   It's so close lol....

Edited by pir8radio
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  • 2 weeks later...

I know some of these have already been requested by others in other posts. I just wanted to get a post out there and get my opinions in the bucket.


I/my family have been a directv genie user for years. It works, and it works well.. I currently pay for directv AND comcast in hopes that emby will get over the last few hurdles so I can kill directv.


Strike Through Items are complete

  • Hide SD Duplicates of HD channels. Yes I know there are hacky fixes, like manually doing this... But it would be nice to have this feature native in emby. (kind of a big deal, it sucks to set this manually then redo it when comcast adds a channel or moves channels around, some basic logic in emby would be nice)
  • Guide, We really like the FireTV guide with the current channel display in the upper left. This feels like other commercial PVR's and it feels natural. Maybe shrink the live display to fit more guide options? Or shrink the guide lines a little so more options are visible (minor)? That said none of the other apps have this nice preview guide display like android/firetv it would be nice to have this in Emby Theater at least.
  • The single biggest reason I cant pull the plug on directv is recordings. I really wish users could only manage and see their own recordings, with an option in the admin user access page to allow that person to see/manage all others recordings. For example if little Kimmy records a cartoon, Teenage Becky shouldn't see it in her list of recordings. However DAD has the check box set for "see all recordings" and he can see all users recordings, as well as manage them if that check box is also set. Plus If I let a friend stay over for the weekend I don't want to see their recordings in our list and I don't want them seeing ours. It's just a free for all today.
  • When the user has the user setting to enabled for "live tv recording management" That user should be able to delete recorded TV without needing the "Allow Media Deletion" security setting checked. I want little Kimmy to be able to delete her cartoon when she is done watching it, but I do not want her to be able to delete core movies and media from the server. This goes hand and hand with #3 as users who record shows should be the only ones to see them and be able to delete them unless they have a "manage all" flag set in user settings. Added in THIS POST
  • I would also like to add the ability to "Mark as Played" on the individual episode, this seems totally missing in emby theater? But on the web browser I have to click the info icon then the "Check" to mark as played. A simple check on this screen would be nice, and an option at all in ET would be great too. The only available option in ET is to mark the whole series as played not an individual episode. Added in THIS POST


    Skip (forward and backwards) is in different time chunks depending on the client used. For example FireTv seems to skip like 40 seconds with each push, the web interface skips about 15 seconds per push.. It would be nice if this was standardized between clients. THIS POST

Those small items aside, its been working pretty well lately. The hard work of the team is paying off. :D

@@ebr @@Luke Yes to 'Hide SD Duplicates of HD channels'; no one else does this: would be a good selling point. Not sure there is a standard that emby could use to identify if a SD channel has a HD alternative.

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what keys do you use?

Rew and FF to page the guide similar to paging on Directv and Xfinity. This may be on beta only now that I think about it. Give it a shot. It should work if you're on the latest beta. If not, it will be upcoming.

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