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Recording Ending Causes Live TV to Pause


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What does that mean?

That neither MediaPortal nor the streaming software is moving or renaming recordings.
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yeah, i've found the problem with active recordings. the change to play all .ts files trans /i has affected active recordings as well as recorded tv (which was the intention). its since this change was made that i'm consistently seeing active recordings end early

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yeah, i've found the problem with active recordings. the change to play all .ts files trans /i has affected active recordings as well as recorded tv (which was the intention). its since this change was made that i'm consistently seeing active recordings end early


But why is your experience different than maegibbons?

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But why is your experience different than maegibbons?

he's using emby i'm using mediaportal. his experience is only relevant in the context of the third bullet point above.

Edited by Spaceboy
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i've just had playback of live tv through mediaportal pause as a second unrelated mediaportal recording finished. exactly the same time with the post padding

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he's using emby i'm using mediaportal. his experience is only relevant in the context of the third bullet point above.


Agreed bit I do not see the problem with IPTV but you do - which is strange.  This may point to an underlying critical difference in our setups and in yours it affects ALL active recordings.


Can you validate once again that it definately happens with IPTV recorded native in emby direct to .ts, no transcode.





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Agreed bit I do not see the problem with IPTV but you do - which is strange. This may point to an underlying critical difference in our setups and in yours it affects ALL active recordings.


Can you validate once again that it definately happens with IPTV recorded native in emby direct to .ts, no transcode.





i did also say that I haven't used iptv for recording much now MP is working much more reliably. That said I'm currently watching league of their own as an active recording and its due to finish in 10mins


yep that went fine. i'd need to test over a longer period to confirm though


but also like you said elsewhere, the quality of active recordings isn't great

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So in summary you feel this issue only comes in to play when you are using Media Portal?





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So in summary you feel this issue only comes in to play when you are using Media Portal?





thats what I said in the OP [emoji3]I did reference historic identical problems with iptv but it's transpired that these are unrelated. I don't have any current evidence of the problem with iptv. I'll give it more of a test though
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You could also re-evaluate with the Android Mobile app, so we know if the problem is app specific or server/backend related.

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You could also re-evaluate with the Android Mobile app, so we know if the problem is app specific or server/backend related.

its the same in the webclient so, server / backend. the time on the seek bar is messed up too. when i start the active recording the seek point is at the actual time, not the start time of the program with pre padding. but in actual fact this is showing me how much of the active recording it is going to play for me, the difference between the current time and the scheduled end time

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its the same in the webclient so, server / backend. the time on the seek bar is messed up too. when i start the active recording the seek point is at the actual time, not the start time of the program with pre padding. but in actual fact this is showing me how much of the active recording it is going to play for me, the difference between the current time and the scheduled end time

Sorry i don't understand any of your words [emoji32]


From where do you start your active recording? From the active recordings tab or your recordings library? When you look at the details page of an active recording, do you see any mediainfo? I ask because from your logs, it seems that you've set the MediaPortal recording folder as a path in Emby's live tv settings. Normally this setting is just for Emby's core live tv and maybe it has some unexpected side effects in conjunction with an external service.

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@punktchen, removing the folder from the library made no difference, this was a hangover from when i was using iptv and just had MP running in the background


no metadata when i view an active recording.


it doesnt matter whether i start an active recording from the active recording row or the recordings row, the result is the same


in the web client. i started a recording at 2248, its now 2302. i start the active recording from the recordings library because active recordings seem to have disappeared off the main live tv page recently. the video starts from 2248 but the timeline shows the current time:


the end time is correct so technically the timer is right as i'm only going to get to see up to 2318 when it craps out :) 


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Now i understand! And here's the problem @@Luke:

I serve an active recording always as infinite http stream with the start position at the beginning of the recording (you know, we can't seek within the currently playing http stream),

but the Emby player sets the playback position at the false timestamp!

Edited by pünktchen
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I don't understand what you mean exactly? we don't really set playback position at all. we just start playing from the beginning.

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I don't understand what you mean exactly? we don't really set playback position at all. we just start playing from the beginning.

the video does. the timeline starts from the actual time on your watch

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Sorry i don't understand any of your words [emoji32]


From where do you start your active recording? From the active recordings tab or your recordings library? When you look at the details page of an active recording, do you see any mediainfo? I ask because from your logs, it seems that you've set the MediaPortal recording folder as a path in Emby's live tv settings. Normally this setting is just for Emby's core live tv and maybe it has some unexpected side effects in conjunction with an external service.

i've also found out why i add the MP recorded tv folder to Emby's recorded tv library. Its because its the only way to get MP recordings to show up nicely in Emby searches. without this they just show up as "Videos".




As there didnt seem to any unwanted side effects to including the MP folder within Emby's recorded tv library i shall probably put this back

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Any progress here? Tonight I was watching live TV while the same program recorded. Live tv paused when the recording finished

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any further development possible here please? I still can't watch active recordings without them ending partway through

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  • 2 months later...

Yes we are looking into it, thanks.

hi luke, any further development here please, you were asking for me to highlight problems with external tv
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I have not seen this issue. Can you provide a new set of logs using the built in live tv recording features? thanks.

? The problem is with mediaportal, I’m not using built in live tv recording features. I don’t see the same problem with Emby tv


@punktchen has told you what the problem is even

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