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Two questions


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I have a couple questions for EmbyTV in Freenas.


One refers to this thread:  http://emby.media/community/index.php?/topic/42298-recording-post-processing-removing-commercials/


Has anyone else tried this approach to cut commercials from Emby recordings (the Freenas thread referred to concerns integration into Plex) and made it work?  Especially as an automated process?  I'm going to give it a try, hopefully tomorrow if real life cooperates.


I have been using MCEBuddy on a Windows computer since recent updates to Freenas 9.10 broke Virtual Box. I'd love to avoid recreating a virtual machine to run Windows just to run MCEBuddy.  A script in my Freenas jail that runs Emby, and that would do almost the same, sounds like a perfect solution.


Second, any chance of making this a plugin that connects to 'recording post processing', to expedite the process?  I would personally love a plugin that could be added to post-processing or a readily available script that obviates the need for MCEBuddy (and a completely separate system on which to run it).


In passing, I only just noticed the post processing addition to TV after, unfortunately, having to destroy my jails and restart after upgrading to Freenas 11. I have to say, the possibilities are exciting.  Kudos to whomever suggested the change and all who worked on it.  If the scripts that the Freenas folks worked out for Plex works on Emby I will be overjoyed.  I thought the virtual machine running MCEBuddy solution was great for a while, but this would be so much more elegant.

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Yea can't you just setup a post processor with the command line options in live tv setup?

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Wow, thanks for the fast response Luke.


Yes, that is where I was planning to do it, more or less.  It looks easier to save the lines of code in a program made by editor, especially considering all the dependencies that need to be added.  It should work the same either way, though.  Plus, it seems easier to change within an editor if I mess it up, but I don't have that much experience either way.



I forgot to ask one other question.  Since having to recreate the jail and reinstall Emby I don't have icon pictures for Movies, Music, TV, etc.  While I can easily add a picture for each category through the GUI (which I did for certain categories), I was wondering where the program looks for those pictures?  I looked in usr/local/lib/emby server and didn't see anything that looked right.  Is that the right place to put a directory for pictures if I wanted to create my own?  If so, what should it be named?

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I would just use the interface to customize the images. i'm not sure the folders are human readable. thanks.

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I love it.  Used script to activate comskip, got a 43 minute file from a one hour show, haven't seen any commercials yet, similar to MCEBuddy (which uses comskip).  Also used Handbrake to convert to MKV.  Relatively easy to set up, though you have to pay attention to pathways, as always.  I decided to leave out the logging information, which one can also include.


Anyone interested in simplifying their setup could benefit from this.  It would also be a great potential addition, again, as an optional feature or plugin.  I assume someone might add it to docker as well?


I just turned off MCEBuddy.


Emby keeps getting better and better.  Thanks again, guys.

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